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Sad day, the last chapter of season 2!!! Wow, what a ride it's been... I can't believe how much this book has grown, and I can not thank you all enough. Writing this book was so an experience for me, I love it and hate it all at the same time lol. Although, I am truly thankful for all the reads, votes, and comments I have received. It really helped me when times were rough at school :)

Thank you all so much for sticking along! Love you guys!! I guess I should add that you all should start reading my Billy fic, Stigma! Gonna be good, but this is the real OG.

Thanks a million again guys <3 See you all again for season 3!! (or if I add in some extra chaps before season 3!!)

Not edited, wow this is so fluffy


All was well in the little town of Hawkins since the day El had closed the gate. Everything had returned to normal it seemed. Jonathan and Nancy spent all their time together, Joyce and Bob got engaged, the gang of tweens spent all their weekends in the arcade and their weekdays in the A.V club. Steve had started to intern at Natalie's vet clinic after helping her dissect a demon dog, and Jim spent his morning drinking coffee and contemplating.

All was well.

---- JIM'S POV---

Natalie rolled over and wrapped her arms around Jim's torso tighter, causing the Chief to let out a grunt of pain and crack open an eye. She, however, just nuzzled her face deeper into his back and sighed sleepily.

Jim looked over his shoulder to see that she had her whole body wrapped around him like a vice, which caused him to smile. Her being the 'big spoon' sometimes was something that he had to get used to, but he never minded. It just made him love her even more.

Jim put his head back down on the pillow an almost let out a shout of surprise when he came face-to-face with Bucky, who had his head resting on the bed.

"Bucky, no, you're not allowed on the bed," Jim whispered at the shepherd.

Bucky whined and started to place his paw on the bed, and then the other one. Jim rolled his eyes, "no, get down."

Bucky, ignored him and jumped on to the bed and curled up next to Jim and placed his head next to Jim's on the pillow.

Jim sighed and gently removed Natalie's hands from around him and then pushed her leg off of his waist. He suppressed a smile when Natalie let out a groan of annoyance and rolled over.

Jim sat up and looked down at Nat all sprawled out on his bed with one of his flannels on, and he smiled. He gently shook her shoulder, "Come on, Nat, it's almost one."

Natalie deeply inhaled and sat up while rubbing her eyes, "Okay, yeah I'm up."


Natalie stood up from the bed and stretched, and then she noticed Bucky on the bed next to Jim.

"Buck, down," she snapped her fingers and the shepherd leaped off the bed and trotted over to her side. Natalie rubbed his ears and smiled, "go wake up El, Buck."

Bucky raced out of the room with a bark and soon she heard the squealing of El from the room next to them.

Natalie laughed and looked at Jim, "you ready for tonight?"

Jim gave her a sideways glance and shrugged as he put on his undershirt, "Yeah," he answered quietly.

Natalie grinned, "Oh you just don't like that she has a boyfriend now. Mike's a good kid and he's crazy about her," she said as she stepped into her scrub pants.

Jim scoffed, "I know, but still," he turned to face her once he was finished getting into his uniform.

Natalie sat down on the bed as she put on her fuzzy socks, "oh, don't be such a grump," she muttered as she started to put on her shoes. Once her shoes were on, she stood up and walked over to Jim and flipped his collar down, and glanced at the clock on the wall briefly, "shit, I'm going to be late for work, make sure you're back in time for the dance."

Jim smirked, "Always late, and I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Natalie smiled and pecked him on the lips quickly and rushed out of the cabin and into her truck.


Natalie parked her truck in front of the cabin and checked her watch, she was early for once. Jim was also early for once too it seemed since his patrol car was parked by hers.

She pulled the hairband from her hair as she exited the car and ran a hand through her chocolate waves. She opened the door and greeted Bucky with a smile, "Jim?" she shouted.

"In El's room!" Jim responded.

Natalie walked into the room to see Jim using his ring finger to smudge pink eyeshadow over El's eyelid. He had his eyes narrowed in concentration as he tried to make it even.

Natalie smiled at them and leaned against the door frame as she watched Jim finish putting on her eyeshadow.

"Okay, all done. What do you think, kid?" he asked as he held up a mirror.

"Pretty," El said with a smile, "What do you think Nat?" El asked.

"You look beautiful, El," she said and walked up to her and smoothed down her hair, "you ready to go?"

El nodded, "Yes, I'm ready."

Jim smiled at her, "Go get your jacket and then we can go."

El nodded and ran into her closet and grabbed her jean jacket before returning to them. All three of them walked out to Jim's car and got in. The ride was short and before they knew it they were in front of Hawkins Middle School.

Natalie turned around and looked at El with a smile, "You ready? Do you want us to walk you in?"

El shook her head, "No, I'm just going to go."

Jim looked back at her with furrowed eyebrows, "Don't go with anyone you don't know and be back by 10:30, okay?"

El nodded, "Okay!" she said with a nod and left the car with an excited grin.

Natalie leaned back with a smile as she watched El walk into the middle school and shut the gym doors behind her. "I'm so happy that she gets to be a kid for once."

Jim nodded, "Me too, she deserves it."

"She sure does," she said and looked at Jim

Jim looked back at her with a small smile, "C'mere."

Natalie laughed, "What? You want me to crawl over the armrest?"

He laughed, "Yeah, get over here."

Natalie rolled her eyes and climbed over to his seat with a giggle. Jim's arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close to him. Natalie wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Jim Hopper," She whispered.

Jim smiled, "I love you too Natalie," he paused, his blue eyes searching her face, "I was a damn fool to have almost lost you, and I'm never going to let that happen again."

"I know-" she began, but Jim placed a finger to her lips.

"Not yet, I need to say this," he said and placed his hand on her cheek, "You mean the world to me, and I want to grow old with you, Nat. I want to raise a family with you," his hand dropped from her cheek to her stomach, "I want to make you mine," he paused before continuing, "so, I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?"

Natalie sniffled and wiped her eyes, "Yes," she breathed out and pressed her lips to his.


weellll that was a load of fluff yall deserved it tbh. The next filler chapters before season three will be very slow since I'm going to be writing my Billy fic! Thank you all again, love you guys!

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