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The pic isn't Hopper but I love it ^^

Sorry this has taken me so long, Ive been so busy with finals coming up and everything haha

I am so thankful for all the support from
everyone it's amazing ❤️

ALSO you guys are gonna love this chapter ;)))

Love you guys and this chapter is not edited!


Natalie sat in the back of Jim's car with a small smile on her face. She watched Jim light another cigarette and pull out his walkie from his belt. All of a sudden his face dropped and his lips turned down into a scowl.

Jim yanked opened the door and immediately started the car, "Johnathan and Nancy wheeler are at the station. Apparently he got into a fight with some punk and assaulted a cop." Jim said as he floored it back to Hawkins.

Joyce gasped, "What?" her eyes wide with worry.

Natalie couldn't help but feel so deeply sorry for Joyce. That woman has been through so much in such a short amount of time.

Natalie suddenly face planted against Jim's headrest when he slammed on the brakes. She groaned and peeled her face from the cushion.

"Shit, sorry Nat." Jim turned his head slightly to look at her.

Natalie waved it off, "it's fine."

Jim slammed on the brakes again and Natalie brace herself this time. She quickly exited the car and walked behind a furious Jim and Joyce as they entered the police station.

Joyce gasped when she saw Johnathan holding a bag of ice to his swollen eye, "Johnathan, Jesus what happened?" She went over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Callahan, one of the police officers, shrugged, "Ma'am, I'm fine."

Natalie scoffed and looked at Nancy who was giving her a silent signal to come over to her, but she shook her head, it probably wasn't a good idea to do that at the time.

"Why is he in handcuffs?" Joyce asked Callahan, her voice rising in anger.

"He assaulted a police officer-"

"Take them off." Joyce snarled and took a step closer to Callahan.

"I'm afraid I can not do that." He said with a serious expression.

"Take them off!" Joyce shouted.

Callahan looked at Jim who nodded at him, "you heard her, take em' off."

Callahan nodded, "okay I get this is a emotional moment, but Chief, you have to see what we found in his car." He grabbed a bear trap from the table and raised it in the air.

Natalie looked at Johnathan and Nancy who gave her a nod. It was for that thing they saw in the woods the other night. They were planning to kill it.

"What is that?" Joyce asked, her eyes flicking to Johnathan's in curiosity and confusion.

Callahan set the bear trap down, "why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car."

"What?" Joyce's voice cracked and she glanced a Jim who was wearing a scowl.

"Why were you going through my car?" Johnathan shot back.

Jim crossed his arms, "is that really the question you're asking right now? I want to see you in my office."

"You won't believe me." Johnathan said truthfully and looked at Natalie.

Jim followed where Johnathan was looking and his blue eyes landed on her. Natalie nodded at Jim and subtly pointed to the scab on her neck from the monster that attacked her. Jim tilted his head and beckoned for Johnathan and Nancy to come into his office. They all followed Jim into his office and sat down.

"Okay what is going on?" Jim asked, his eyebrows furring in confusion. Natalie noticed that was something he did a lot.

Johnathan and Nancy looked to Natalie who was picking at a split end, "oh, do you want me to say it?" She asked them.

The two teenagers nodded and glanced at each other before looking at her again.

Natalie sighed, "alright, so there's this thing. Well monster, it's really tall and has no face. It's face is a giant mouth that opens up-" she paused, "sorry, I'll get to the point. This thing, we think, took Will and Barbara. It hunts at night and is attracted to blood. All three of us saw it and apparently you saw it too, Joyce." She looked at her friend who nodded, "well from what I gather, these two were planning on killing it."

Joyce took in a shaky breath, "so this thing is attracted to blood?"

Nancy nodded, "technically yes, but it's just a theory."

Joyce brought a shaky hand up to her face and sighed, "can I talk to you outside, Johnathan?"

Johnathan nodded and got out of his seat and followed his mom into the hallway.

Jim leaned back in his chair, "Nancy, can you take this out to my car? It's the SUV, you cant miss it. We'll be out in a second and we can start a plan." He told her.

Nancy glanced at Natalie and gave her a small smile before grabbing the bear trap and walking into the hallway. Joyce's shouts leaked into the room and were cut off once the door closed.

Natalie glanced at the door and shook her leg nervously.

"Natalie," Jim leaned forward.

She turned her head and looked at him, "yes?" Nervousness started to pool in her stomach as his eyes bore into hers.

"I want you to stay here." He said seriously.

Natalie narrowed her eyes, "your kidding right?"

Jim shook his head, "I'm not. It's not safe fo-"

"That's bullshit and you know it!" She growled at him and slammed her hands down on the desk. "What? Am I not qualified to come? I can do just as much as you can Jim! There are kids involved in this and I can't be? Tell me why, it's not because of safety that's for damn sure." She snarled.

Jim narrowed his eyes, "I really don't think you should come. You don't need too." He stood up and looked down at her.

"You're not going to intimidate me with your height." She shouted and walked in front of him, "one, you can't tell me what to do, you may be a cop but this is a free country, buddy. I can do what ever the hell I want, so you can take your lame excuse and shove it up your as-"

Suddenly, Natalie was pushed against the wall and a pair of lips where on hers. She let out a squeak of surprise, her eyes wide as she realized he was kissing her, and she was kissing him back.

Jim pulled away from her with a pant and cradled her face in his hands, "you are so naive," he mumbled as his thumb ran over her cheek bone.

"What?" Natalie breathed out, she was completely dazed.

Jim struggled to say the next few words, "I care about you, dammit." He looked into her eyes.

"I do too, but I'm still going to go." She told him with a innocent smile.

"You're going to kill me." Jim said and pulled her into another bear hug.


HAHHA FINALLY HAHAH ALL THAT BUILDUP TO THIS MOMENT!!!! (But imma still gonna make you kids work for more😂)

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