21. TIME

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This chapter is super long, like no joke lol

I gotta say my biggest fear is that David Harbour will find this book and read it. I think I would literally crawl into the deepest hole in the ground and die of embarrassment lol.

Let's hope he doesn't snoop around on the internet, more than he already does, and accidentally stumble into my book lol

This chapter may be a bit incoherent, I'm hella sick and can't think straight. I should also be studying buttttt here I am. This is fine, I'm fine. Thriving.

Thank you all for all the support, I'm literally floored, it's incredible.

not edited ALSO, this chapter was hecka hard to write, since I'm trying to fill the book a bit before we jump into season two, I feel like that would have been too quick lol also it's super fluffy, I love it.

Sorry again, don't kill me for making a Grey's reference :p


Soft light shone through the opaque curtains that were closed over Natalie's large windows in her room. She rolled over and groaned when she felt Jim's body pressed up against her. He was literally like a sauna, too hot. She tried to roll back over, but his arms snaked around her and pulled her close to him.

"Get off," she muttered trying to pull herself out of his grasp.

"You liked this last night," he replied huskily with a lazy smile on his face.

She huffed, "I was cold then. You. Are. So. Hot." she grumbled, still struggling.

He laughed,"Why thank you. I'm glad you think I'm hot."

She rolled her eyes, "Not like that you dork." and then she let out a laugh, "Well, okay you're hot, but your body is way too hot." she said and pulled her self out of his arms.

Jim sat up with a laugh, "You're feisty in the morning." he smiled at her, "I like it," he said with a wink and stood up and stretched.

Natalie grinned at him and walked into the bathroom, "Glad you're enjoying it, Jim." she laughed. She quickly got ready and put on her scrubs and threw her hair into a ponytail and walked into the kitchen. Jim was leaning against the counter with his uniform on, and sipping a cup of coffee that he had just made.

"Made you coffee, doctor," he said with a playful smile and handed her a mug.

"Thanks, chief," she replied with a chuckle and glanced at her watch, "shit, I'm going to be late," she muttered to herself. She looked up at him, "um, so..."

"Yeah, I'll stay over again, if you want?" he answered and looked at her with curious eyes.

She grinned, "Yeah, I'd like that." her cheeks flushed a bit, causing him to grin widely.

She glanced at her watch, "Okay, I really have to go." she looked at him and started to walk away and glanced at him quickly.

Jim grabbed her hand, "You're so awkward. " He muttered and kissed her softly, and pulled away with a soft smile.

Her face must have been a deep shade of scarlet by now. Natalie cleared her throat, "Bye Jim, see you later!" she told him as she rushed out the door and could hear his loud laughter echo around the house.

She opened the door to the clinic and greeted Elle with a warm smile, and took a deep breath. It felt really good to be back and working. Finally, things felt normal.

"What do we have today?" she asked Elle.

Her receptionist looked up at her, "We have a c-section on bulldog in fifteen minutes, in OR one." she told her.

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