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Hulloooo sorry this chapter suckkks, it's always really slow when a new season starts lol but we'll get there eventually haha

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Natalie pulled on a cozy warm wool sweater and bent down to tie her navy converse before grabbing her keys from her counter. After delivering the foal at Merrills farm she rushed home to get all the gunk off of her before she went to Will's appointment. She looked around for Bucky and remembered he was still at the clinic. With a sigh, she got back into her truck and began driving to Hawkins Lab, the worst place on the planet.

She drummed her thumbs on the steering wheel and brought her hand up to her neck to mess around with the chain around her neck. Her eyes widened when she realized her necklace was gone. She pressed her lips into a thin line, maybe this was for the best.

She parked her truck next to Joyce's car, and as usual, she was a little late. Natalie jumped out of her car and raced into the hospital wing, slipping past doctors and nurses as she made her way to Will's room.

She gently opened the door and poked her head in to see Will attached to a lot of machines to document his brain waves. Will looked at her with wide eyes and took a breath, relieved to see her there.

"Sorry, I'm late, " she muttered and walked into the room and leaned against the wall away from Jim who was scowling deeply.

Dr. Owens swiveled around in his chair and nodded towards Natalie before looking at Will, "Sir, Will, how are you?" he asked and looked at Joyce, "Mom," then to Jim, "Pop," and then to Natalie, "Big sister."

Natalie felt her face flush a bit, how awkward. She glanced down at her shoes before watching Will again.

"Let's take a look, see what's going on here," Dr. Owens said as he looked Will's chart, "I see you've shaved off a pound since you've last been here."

Natalie scowled at Will who shrugged and gave her a sheepish smile.

"Must be making room for all that Halloween candy." Dr. Owens grinned at him, "What's your favorite candy? Desert Island candy, if you had to pick one."

Will shrugged, "I don't know," he glanced between Joyce and Natalie.

Dr. Owens let out a scoff, "Oh come on, life or death situation, what would you pick?" he asked again while writing something down on Will's chart.

Will looked at Joyce and Natalie who both mouthed 'Reese's Pieces'.

He nodded, "Uh, Reese's Pieces."

Dr. Owens smiled, "Good call, I'm more of a mounds guys, but you can't go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter." he paused and looked at Will with a slightly concerned face, "so tell me what's going on, tell me about that episode you had with your friends."

Will looked at Natalie, who gave him a small nod.

Will took a shaky breath, "Well, my friends were there, and then they weren't, and I was back there again."

"The Upside Down?" Dr. Owens asked while glancing at the technician behind him who was grabbing the paper out of the machine that was reading Will's brainwaves, "So what happened next?"

"I heard a noise so I went outside, and it was worse." Will said, his eyes glazing over with fear.

Dr. Owens leaned forward in his chair, "How was it worse?" he asked.

"There was a storm," he said and his eyes snapped to Natalie, who gave him a warm smile and went to sit down next to Joyce and they both held his hand.

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