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I'm sorry this might make you cry, I did. Sorry friends I was listening to sad music and it inspired the future events to happen :) But I'm not that mean, I'm no George R. R. Martin, so whatever happens is not permanent :) I mean maybe I'm just pmsing so that's why this is sad lol

THANK YOU FOR 20K WHAT THE HECK!!! Like I'm so shocked it's amazing. I love you all so much.

Not edited


Natalie waved goodbye to Ms. Henderson as she walked out the door, carrying an overweight Mews. She pulled off her gloves with a snap and leaned against the wall with a sigh. She was a mess, dark circles lined her now dull green eyes, her normally tanned face was pale. Natalie wouldn't be surprised if she had dropped a couple of pounds due to her stress.

A hand waved in front of her face, and she straightened and shook her head, "Uh, sorry."

"Honey, are you okay? You look sick." Elle asked her with a concerned expression on her kind aged face.

Natalie forced a smile, "Yeah, I'm okay. I just haven't been able to sleep."

Elle nodded, "Oh, have you tried lavender extract? It helps a lot."

Natalie ran a hand through her hair, "I'll try that." she told her secretary, although she knew it was a lie. Nothing will help her...well he would. Something about having him next to her, in his strong arms helped her sleep. He would always place his head in the crook of her neck and pepper her jaw and neck with kisses as she fell asleep with a lazy smile on her face. Whisper sweet words in her ear and kiss her softly. She felt safe with him like nothing could get to her, especially not the Demogorgon.

She shivered, flashes of that night replaying in her mind. With a shaky sigh, she shut her eyes and pressed her palms together, trying to calm herself down before she started crying. She hated feeling so weak, but it haunted her, the events of last fall constantly followed her everywhere.

"Nat?" El shook her shoulder, "Do you need to sit down dear?" she asked, her eyes wide as she pulled her glasses off.

Natalie shook her head, "I'm fine. I-I'm just going to go outside for a second." she said quietly and walked out of the clinic and sat on the curb. A soft autumn wind blew her dark hair away from her face. She inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled, her hand making its way up to the necklace that sat snugly under her scrubs. With a gentle tug, she pulled out the necklace and watched the purple stone glint softly in the late afternoon sun.

She missed him. Gosh, she missed him so damn much. The memory of him leaving still so fresh in her mind. Even though it was about a month ago it still felt like it was yesterday. Tears pricked her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away as her mind wandered to their last fight.

"Why are you so clingy!" Jim shouted angrily, his eyes livid as he stared at her.

"I just want to know what you're hiding from me!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.

Jim's face contorted into a grimace, "It's nothing important, so don't worry about. How many times do I have to tell you!" he snarled.

Natalie threw her hands up in annoyance, "We are in a relationship," she hissed, "We aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other. If it's not important then why can't you tell me? You've been hiding this thing from me since Christmas!"

He rolled his eyes and let out a huff, "You know what, this isn't going to work." he pointed between them.

She froze, her heart rapidly beating in her chest, "What?" her voice was soft.

Smoke -- Jim HopperOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora