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uh oop guess I'm back on wattpad...sorry folks haha, anyway hopefully I can finish this book finally. This chapter doesn't stick to the exact script, I'm kind of putting my own lines in. Also, idk if yall watch AOT but I'll be dropping a Levi x reader book soon! Plus a Haikyuu one too, (but after the time skip)

Not edited


Natalie gulped loudly as a gun was pointed right in front of her face. The Russian soldiers started yelling loudly and advancing closer to them. Natalie glanced up at Jim who had moved in front of her blocking her from the guns.

"I got this," Murray said, his voice trembling slightly as he walked out of the elevator and held his hands up attempting to try and come up with a convincing lie.

"I don't think you do," Jim snapped and suddenly grabbed the front of the gun pointed at his chest and yanked it out of the soldier's hands, and shot down the remaining men at an incredible speed.

Natalie stood still, frozen, "sometimes I forget you can do that, J."

Jim looked back at her over his shoulder and gave her a snarky smile, "impressed?"

"Oh shut up," Natalie snapped, "let's get a move on, we don't have that much time. Not to mention we have to get changed into this nasty ass uniforms."

"Let's just hope we don't run into anybody," Joyce grumbled as she squatted down and began pulling the jacket and pants off of the smallest man out of the group.

"Why did we bring them?" Murray asked, huffing loudly as he adjusted his cap on his head. "I mean, Jim, all they do is complain."

"And you don't," Jim asked while raising an eyebrow. He flicked Murray's hat before making his way over to Natalie who was tying her boots and looking a little grossed out. He squatted down and grabbed her laces and tied them with a small smile, "after this, I think you, me, and El should go on a vacation?"

Natalie reached out her hands and Jim grabbed them and pulled her up. "The wedding is so close though?"

Jim shrugged as they started walking down the hallway following Murray and Joyce who were talking to Dustin over the walkie. "I know, but we won't go far. Maybe to Yellowstone? I know you've always wanted to go, and El would love seeing all the animals."

Natalie linked her arms through Jims and nodded, "okay, we can do that." She looked up at him with wide eyes, "what made you bring that up?"

Jim chuckled, "well, considering how many times we've almost died in the past couple of years I've learned not to hesitate on doing the things you want," he said with a wink.

Natalie rolled her eyes, "you're literally twelve."

Jim ruffled her hair, "I know," he glanced down at Natalie who had let go of him and walked ahead when Joyce called out to her with direction help. He had a strange feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. There was something bothering him, but he couldn't put a finger on it.

"I think we turn right here," Natalie said, pointing down a dark hallway. "Also, Murray, what do we do if we run into someone? We look totally out of place."

"Just smile and nod, I'll take care of it," Murray said with a small smile and puffed out his chest with some form of pitiful pride.

"Alright," Natalie said with an amused smile.

The group continued walking till they reached the square room with glass bottles of green liquid were stacked on glass shelves. The door to where they were supposed to reach the gate was right in front of them. Murray set down the map and pulled off the grate on the floor to climb into the air vents.

"This is where we part ways, comrades," Murray said and saluted, "wait for my signal and we can go. This is all about timing, and keep an eye out for commies."

"Good luck," Natalie said with a small smile as Murray disappeared into the air vent. She sighed and sat down on the steps. The air seemed to get colder and she shivered watching Jim sweep the area for enemies. Joyce took a seat next to her and placed her hand on top of Natalie's.

"How ya doing?" Joyce asked.

"Good, considering everything," Natalie said with a small laugh. "Do you know where you are going to move?"

Joyce stiffened a little, "um, probably New Hampshire, I think it'll be nice for the boys. I know you're upset I'm leaving, Natalie."

Natalie nodded, "I am, but I know it's for the better, and to be honest, after all of this shit I would consider leaving Hawkins too."

Joyce cracked a smile, "this has been all so crazy, who would have thought we would be pulled into this hell for a third time. Seems like someone put a curse on us."

Natalie dryly chuckled, "Oh yeah, but some good things have come out of it," she replied while looking at Jim walking towards them.

"Murray better hurry the hell up," Jim snapped, sitting down roughly next to Natalie. He inhaled sharply and noticed both of the girls looking at him, "what?"

Joyce put a hand over her mouth, laughing a little. Natalie raised an eyebrow a little confused about what Joyce was laughing about.

"What's so funny, Joyce?" Jim asked, a small smile making its way onto his face.

Joyce removed her hand and let out another laugh, "oh, I was just thinking about- well don't be offended, Jim-"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Jim snapped, his cheeks flushing a little.

"It's not that bad, I promise," Joyce said, raising her hands up, "I was just thinking how in the world you were able to bag, Natalie."

"Oh damn," Natalie said and covered up her loud laughter with her hand, "Joyce, that was, phew. You murdered Jim's ego."

Jim slumped and rested his chin on his hand, "look, yes, Natalie is eon's out of my league, but she obviously fell for my good taste in music-"

"Music?" Natalie raised an eyebrow, "that's definitely not it."

"Are you kidding? You love 'Don't Mess Around With Jim'!" he said with wides eyes.

Natalie placed her hand on his arm, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, pal."

"Pal," Jim said, disbelief written all over his face, "man, when you two get in on this teasing thing together, you're ruthless," he said with a smile.

It was nice to have this moment of peace before the big finale. It was looming over them like a dark shadow, but this small moment of time was free of it for now.

"Bald Eagle has landed!" Murray's voice crackled over the walkie.

Jim's smile slipped off of his face, "we're up."

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