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sorry for taking so long to update! I'm going to try to get one more chapter out before I go on vacation. Just a heads up I won't be able to post very much if I'm able to post at all. So please be patient friends :) I know you guys will, you all are the best <3

I hope you guys had a great Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a great day! :D

Not edited.

For some reason this update isnt showing up ughghhg


Natalie shook Wil's shoulders once more, screaming at him to snap out of. Then, all at once Will came back to his senses, his eyes were wide with pure terror.

"Will?" Joyce asked and wrapped an arm around her son, who had tears leaking out of his eyes.

Natalie looked at him with a worried expression and turned to his friends, "Hey, you guys should probably go. Joyce and I got it from here." she told them quietly.

Mike nodded and herded the group back to the school. It was then Natalie noticed that they had acquired a new friend. She had bright red hair that kept flying off her shoulder as she continued to look back at Will.

Natalie looked at Joyce who was starting to lead Will to their car.

"Meet us at the house," Joyce said as she opened the car door for him.

Natalie nodded and jogged to her truck and floored it to Joyce's house. She walked in and found Will seated at the table, his fingers drumming on the wooden surface nervously.

She sat down across from him and grabbed his hand, "How are you doing?" she asked.

Will shook his head, "Not good," he mumbled.

Natalie sighed and squeezed his hand, "Where's your mom?" she asked him. She was sure that Joyce would want to talk to him when they were all together.

"Um, I think she's calling Hopper," he said absently, his eyes not really showing that he was in there.

"Good, he could help," she said with a forced smile.

Will tilted his head at her and flashed the smallest smile, before it slipped off his face. He looked up at her with dull eyes, "Is it a little hot in here?" he asked.

She shook her head, "No, not really. You're probably feeling a little warm from stress," she told him kindly.

Joyce came back into the room and sat down on the chair next to Will, "How are you feeling?"

Will shrugged, "okay," he said quietly.

Joyce glanced at Natalie before speaking, "Can you tell me what happened?" she asked him.

Will shook his head, "I-I can't remember," he lied.

Natalie leaned forward, "Will, remember what I said about telling the truth? We need to know," she said gently.

Tears pricked at Will's brown eyes, "I was on the field and then it went blank, and you guys were in front of me."

Joyce sighed, "Tell the truth, Will." she pleaded.

He sniffled loudly, "I am."

Joyce got up and grabbed a drawing from the kitchen counter and placed it on the table. Natalie tilted her head as she looked at the weird spider-like black thing that drawn on the page.

"This shape, I saw it on the videotape from Halloween night. It's the same shape as your drawing." Joyce inhaled deeply before continuing, "These episodes you're having. I think Dr. Owens is wrong, I think they're real." she said.

Natalie nodded in agreement, "I think they are too, but Will, you can't keep secrets from us. I know you it's hard, but we are on your side."

Will nodded, "Okay, no more secrets,"

Joyce rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, "so, did you see this thing again on the field?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"What is it?" Natalie asked him.

He looked at her with frightened eyes, "I don't know. It's really more of a feeling."

Joyce furrowed her eyebrows together in thought, "like the one you had at the night of the arcade?"

Will nodded, "yes,"

"What does it want?" Joyce asked him.

Will shivered, "I don't know, it came for me, and I tried," he gulped, "I tried to make it go away, but it got me." he cried.

"What does that mean?" Natalie asked him, fear creeping up inside of her.

"I felt it everywhere, everywhere. I can still feel it. I just want this to be over!" he cried and collapsed into Joyce's arms, sobbing.

Natalie leaned back in her chair and shared a worried glance with Joyce. She placed her hand on his shoulder and shook it to get his attention, "Hey, listen. We will get over this thing. We're going to fix whatever is going on in you Will. Your mom and I are always here for you. I promise."

Will nodded and wiped his tears from his face before engulfing Natalie in a hug. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close to her, "It's going to be okay."

After Will calmed down, Joyce made them dinner and they ate in silence. The tension in the air was high and no one really wanted to talk about what was about to happen again. They could feel it looming over them much like the monster Will described looming over Hawkins. Soon, it was time for Will to go to sleep and Natalie and Joyce were sitting in the den in silence.

"I should get back home, to feed Bucky," Natalie said and stood up to grab her coat.

Joyce nodded, "Can you come back tomorrow morning?" she asked her.

Natalie nodded, "Of course, I'll always be here for you guys."

Joyce smiled at her as she left. Natalie got into her truck and drove home, feeling very disturbed that bad things were happening in Hawkins again. Why couldn't she have just moved away from this place like her brother had? She parked her car and greeted Bucky at the door, and poured him his bowl of food before collapsing on her couch and unintentionally falling asleep.


Sorry, short chapter, but next one should be up as soon as I can write it!

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