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Also sorry she keeps crying, but I didn't want to rush her being okay. like one moment shes sobbing and the next she's like 10/10 ready to go punch Jim in the face lol. I'm just trying to make it a realistic and human as I can lol

Three chapter in one day, wow, I'm on a rolllll!!!!

Not edited


Natalie dialed the familiar number and put the teal phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" A deep voice said over the phone.

"Dean? It's Nat," she said with a smile.

"Nat! How are you doing baby sis?" he asked her over the phone.

She sighed, feeling tears well up in her eyes, "Not so good, Dean. A lot of shit has gone down."

Dean sighed over the phone, "You still live in the same place?"

"Yeah, but I've been at Joyce's," she said back to him.

"I'll be there in two hours, okay? Hang tight, Nat," he said and hung up the phone.

Natalie sighed and put the phone back on the wall. He would be here in two hours, she can wait that long. She decided to read some book to pass the time, and before she knew it, there was a knock on the door.

She jumped up and opened the door to reveal Dean. His dirty blond hair spiked up at the front and his apple green eyes shining brightly when he saw her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. Natalie immediately broke down in tears.

"Oh, Nat." he cooed as he rubbed soothing circles on her back, "What happened?"

She buried her face in his chest, "I fell in love." her voice was muffled by his flannel and leather jacket.

"You fell in love," he repeated, "Who's the bastard that did this to you, to my baby sister," he asked her.

Natalie shook her head, "It's not important anymore."

Dean sighed, "Yes it is. He hurt you, I've never seen you cry this much before." he said softly.

Natalie looked up at her brother, "Let's just go do something okay? Like old times."

Dean nodded and pulled her to his side as they walked out to his black car, "Did you already get some waffles?" he asked her as he opened the car door for her.

She nodded, "Yeah, Will and I did that this morning."

Dean smiled, "Will, how's he doing?" he asked as he got into the drivers seat and turned the car on. The engine roared to life and he backed out of the driveway.

"He's good," Natalie said with a smile, "He's a tough kid."

Dean turned the corner, "He learned from the best." he said with a smile and poked her shoulder.

Natalie shrugged, "Well, I learned from the best." she replied and his face flushed.

Dean grinned at her, his cheeks still a little pink, "So, what do you want to do? We can go get ice cream, watch a movie, whatever you want baby sis."

Natalie smiled, "Ice cream." she said with a wide smile.

"I knew it, you're a pig when it comes to sweets." he chuckled as they parked in downtown Hawkins.

She rolled her eyes, "Shut up, you totally pig out with pie and burgers." she shoved him as they walked down the street.

Dean wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him, "I mean it's pie, who doesn't pig out when there's pie involved."

Smoke -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now