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Don't worry guys this book will go into season two and three when it comes out! Thank you all so much for supporting this book :) I really can't convey my gratitude to you all through words. Let me know what you would like to see with Natalie and Jim next season (well next chapter haha) :) I have a pretty flexible plot, so I can add in some of yall's ideas too!

Thank you so much again, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also, I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and it was so good im crying.

not edited


Jim picked up a weak Will in his arms and rushed out of the room. Natalie grabbed Joyce's hand and pulled her up and they jogged behind him. She inhaled harshly as she jogged behind Jim, her lungs starting to burn from the toxic air, and she let out a rough cough.

Jim whipped his head around, "Take my helmet!" he shouted at her as they entered the forest.

She shook her head, "We're almost there! Plus, you're an old man, you need it more than me." she yelled back with a crooked grin.

Jim rolled his eyes and leaped over a rotting log causing Will to let out a small groan. The three continued running till the got to the entrance of the gate and pushed their way through the film that was covering the entrance.

Natalie leaned over and coughed harshly, tears leaking over the corners of her eyes as she coughed. She honestly had no idea how Will managed to survive in there when the air was so toxic. She looked up to see the shocked faces of the army men as they stood in front of them.

"Why are you just standing there?" Jim shouted angrily, "He needs medical attention!"

The men immediately started scrambling around and talking on their walkies. One man led them out of the lab and they swiftly walked through the building until they reached the hospital wing. Will was swarmed by a group of doctors and nurses and brought into a room where they intubated him and attached a breathing bag to the end of the tube. Natalie was pulled away from the door by a doctor who was looking her over.

"Were you exposed to the air?" he asked as he placed a stethoscope on her chest.

"Yes," she breathed in and out as he listened to her lungs.

He nodded and wrote something down on his chart, before turning on his heel and walking away into the sea of personal that were rushing around.

"Am I okay?" she shouted after him.

A hand rose into the air and formed into a 'thumbs up'. Natalie huffed in irritation and turned towards where Will's room was. The mass of doctors and nurses were slowly getting smaller and smaller, till there was only one nurse left writing on his chart. She placed it on the bed and left the room with a nod.

Joyce rushed in and placed her hand on Will's pale face, and choked out a sob as she watched him lay there motionless.

Natalie turned around to give Joyce some privacy with her son. She started walking away till a hand landed on her shoulder and turned her around.

She looked up at Jim's face with a small smile, "hey."

His lips lifted up into a grin, "hey." his hand traveled to her waist and he pulled her close to him as they walked to the waiting room, and sat down on the couch. Natalie scooted closer to him and rested her head on his chest. She felt her eyelids grow heavy with fatigue and they began to close.

"Nat?" Jim's voice vibrated through his chest.

"Yeah," she said tiredly, suppressing a yawn.

"I-I need to tell you something," he said quietly, a twinge of guilt laced in his deep voice.

Natalie sat up and looked at him with curious eyes, "What is it?" she asked, starting to feel nervous.

He furrowed his eyebrows together and swallowed loudly, "I know you're going to be mad, but I did it for Will and to get us out of the lab." he said before continuing, "I had to tell them where Eleven was so we could do what we just did."

Natalie slumped back into the couch, "What?" she breathed out. Her mind flashing to sweet shy El, who reminded her so much of her younger self. She had really connected with El ever since she learned what her 'papa' made her do at the lab, so much like her own father who got stuck with her after her mother died when she was young. The news that she had been taken back into that abusive place caused so much pain for Natalie, that she felt tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Nat?" Jim asked softly and placed a hand on her knee, "I know how much you liked her, I'm sorry." he said quietly.

She sighed and wiped a tear from her face and looked at him with a grimace, "I don't really have anything to say, Jim. I get why you did it, but couldn't you have just lied about where she was, instead of giving them her real location?" she asked with a sniffle.

Jim gulped and looked at the ground, not able to find the words to answer her question. "I know it was shitty." he twisted his boot into the ground angrily.

Then a slam of the hospital doors brought them out of their conversation and the rest of the group rushed into the waiting room with a thousand questions pouring from their mouths.

"Woah!" Jim shouted and stood up, "One at a time!"

"Is Will okay?" Mike asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, he is fine. I'm sure they will let you see him once he wakes up." Natalie answered.

Mike nodded and gave her a sad smile.

The group settled down and sat down in the waiting room. After a while Natalie found out that El had defeated the Demogorgon and had disappeared with it. She forced down the sadness that crept up inside her once more and gave Mike a tight hug.

A couple of hours seem to pass and almost everyone in the room was passed out or messing around with some miscellaneous item.

Natalie glanced at Jim who was deep in thought. She bit the inside of her cheek and looked away from him, she didn't want to be mad at him, it was honestly the last thing she wanted to do, but after El. She couldn't help but feel there was a wedge between them now, something had changed.

"Will has woken up, you guys can see him now." Johnathan's voice entered the room.

The boys immediately shot up and raced into the hallways of the hospital with giddy laughter. Natalie smiled at them and stood up to follow.

"Nat." Jim grabbed her hand.

"Yeah?" she asked and looked at him.

"I'm sorry," his voice was deep with sadness.

"I know," she replied softly and followed the boys into Will's room.


I feel like this was kinda of bad haha sorry friends. Anyway let me know what you guys would like to see next!

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