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Idk if you guys watched the Golden Globes, but David looked so nice! The entire cast was so cute! Sad they didn't win, but they won in our hearts! School is back for me... so updates will be slower, sorry friends! Thank you for 40K I'm so shocked!! :D

Fluffy Jim returns too!! :D

Not edited


Dr. Owens led them into an elevator and it groaned as it descended to its destination. Natalie's grip on Jim's hand grew tighter, as she felt her anxiety start to return. Even though she couldn't see it, she could feel the evil that was living at there destination.

"What are you showing us?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Dr. Owens looked up from his folder, "Uh, something you both should see," he replied darkly.

Natalie looked up at Jim with wide eyes, he looked down at her with furrowed brows. With a swift movement, Jim took his hand from hers and wrapped it tightly around her waist. He pulled her close to him, "don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered in her ear and kissed the top of her head.

Natalie smiled and leaned into him as the elevator door opened. They walked into the lab, scientists were muttering over some computer screen, and a group of soldiers were sticking devices into the vines that were growing out of the gate.

"What the hell is this?" Jim asked in a horrified voice.

Dr. Owens gave him a weak smile, "All living organisms have a defense mechanism against attack. They adapt, they find a way to survive."

"This is awful," Natalie said quietly as she watched the gate shudder with a breath, the tendrils slowly moving around the entrance.

"It's been spreading down here like some cancer, why haven't you been burning it?" Jim asked with a quirked eyebrow and his lips pressed into a scowl.

Dr. Owens shifted his weight from one foot to another, "There has been a complication," he told them with wary eyes.

Natalie narrowed her eyes, "What is it?" she felt panic rise up in her throat.

Dr. Owens beckoned for them to follow him out of the lab, "I have a hypothesis, but I have to test it, just to be sure," he told them as they got back into the elevator, "I think it'll be better if I tell you all together."

Natalie swallowed thickly, it was Will. She knew it had something to do with him, it was always was him.

The door slid open and at the end of the hall, she could see Joyce waving her arms around, trying to get a doctors attention. Natalie tore her hand from Jim's and sprinted towards Joyce. "What's wrong?" she asked her quickly.

"He woke up, he doesn't remember Bob," Joyce told her with a shaky voice.

"Maybe he is just really disorientated, you know? Sometimes that happens after a trauma," she said to Joyce, trying to settle both of their nerves.

"What's the matter?" Dr. Owens asked as he walked up to Joyce and Natalie.

"Will's awake," Joyce told him hurriedly, "He can't remember some things,"

Dr. Owens nodded, "Completely normal, I want to perform a test on Will that will help us understand what is going on. This test will tell us what is wrong with him."

"Really?" Natalie asked with a tilt of her head.

Dr. Owens gave her tight lipped smile, "Yes, I'll be back with another doctor and we will proceed. Everyone needs to be in the room," he instructed them and turned on his heel. He strode back to the elevator and stepped inside.

Smoke -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now