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I loveeed this part of the season lol

Also, thank you all so much for 300k reads!! I'm so thankful to have gotten here, it's super crazy to me how much this has blown up. Again thank you all sm uwu love you guy!

As always enjoy and not edited!


Natalie looked at Joyce briefly before sprinting after Jim and Alexei. Her breath came out in heavy pants and she nearly tripped over a root. They thankfully came to a stop at the top of a hill and Natalie almost cried in relief when she saw the Seven-Eleven.

"How did he even know that was there?" Natalie asked, panting as she looked up at Jim.

"No idea, but guess Smirnoff is good for one thing so far," he replied and pulled Alexei down the hill with him and towards the gas station.

Natalie groaned, putting her hands on her hips as she descended the hill. It seemed like this kid was really putting on the pressure since her ankles felt like they had just ballooned up to the size of Jim's, and that was saying something.

Joyce stood by her side watching Natalie gingerly step down the hill, wincing from the pain in her ankles, "ah, you know all that walking probably spurred it on," she said referring to her swollen ankles.

"I thought the swollen ankles came later on in the pregnancy," she said as she took another small step.

Joyce smiled sheepishly, "yeah normally, but I think you're just unlucky Nat."

"Wonderful," Natalie groaned and let out a sigh of relief when they entered the gas station.

The cashier gave them a weird look as he watched them shuffle through the isles opening bags and chugging sodas. Natalie was standing in front of the ice cream cooler, her eyes widening when she saw the chocolate-covered cone. She quickly grabbed one and opened it, smiling when she saw it.

"You look insane," Jim said as he stopped by her, a piece of beef jerky hanging out of his mouth as he fished around for his wallet in his back pocket.

"Say's, you Fat Rambo," she shot back licking her ice cream.

Jim rolled his eyes and then he gave her an apologetic half-smile and bit off a piece of jerky, "hey, about what I said earlier. I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have blamed you for endangering our kid, that was beyond shitty. Plus, you know I wouldn't be here today if you hadn't forced me to let you come along on all these...things whatever they are," Jim said seriously.

Natalie nodded, she was still hurt by his words, but she was glad that he apologized to her, "thank you," she said quietly and cupped his cheek, her thumb hovering over the cut on his eyebrow, "are you okay?"

He placed his hand over hers, smiling softly, "I'm fine sweetheart," he glanced down at her ankles, "Joyce told me your ankles were hurting, are you okay?" he asked his eyes searching hers.

"Yeah, I'm good. This break from walking has been nice, they don't hurt as much," she told him.

Jim frowned, he did not like that she was in pain. The sound of an engine roaring made him break eye contact with her and he saw a brand spanking new Cadillac Eldorado Convertible roll up to one of the gas pumps and some douche bag looking guy stepped out. Jim smirked and pressed a chaste kiss to Natalie's forehead, "go grab Joyce, I've got an idea," he said and went to gather Alexei who was trying to drink from the Cherry Icee machine in the back with his hands.

Natalie raised her eyebrows in confusion but grabbed Joyce who was chugging down another coke and stumbled after her, throwing the can in the trash.

"What's he doing?" Joyce asked pointing at Hopper as he threw some dollar bills at the cashier and pulled Alexei outside.

Natalie and Joyce quickly followed behind him, but Joyce stopped and looked at the payphone.

"I should probably call Bob and let him know that we're okay and get an update on the kids," she said.

Natalie nodded, "good idea, just be quick."

Joyce gave her a thumbs up and rushed to the payphone and Natalie walked closer to Jim and Alexei. She saw Jim wave down the guy who got out of the car and she tilted her head, what was he doing? Natalie watched curiously as she continued to eat her ice cream.

"All right, all right, hop in. Come on, get in," Jim said to Alexei as he opened the guy's door and pushed Alexei into the back seat.

The guy turned around and threw his hands up, "hey! Hey!"

"Hey!" Jim shouted back, the beef jerky was still in his mouth, he pulled out his wallet and flashed it to the guy, "this is a police emergency, I need to commandeer your vehicle," he said as he opened the drivers' door.

"What? As long as there's-" the guy began, but Jim cut him off.

"What's your name?" Jim asked eyes narrowed.



The guy nodded, clearly frustrated, "Todd."

Jim nodded back, "Todd, listen to me," he said and looked at Alexei, "that man there, I know he doesn't look it, he's one of the most dangerous men in the world," he took a bite of his jerky nodding uncertainly, "he's uh, murdered many children.

"What?" Todd said in shock, looking at Alexei slurp on his slushie.

Jim looked at Natalie who then looked at Joyce, beckoning for her to come over. Jim then looked back at Todd, shoved his jerky sticking into Todd's chest, and got into the driver's seat, "yeah, he's a psychopath, I tracked him over two state lines."

Joyce finally came over to Natalie and they both walked up to the car where Jim professionally nodded at them, "Ah, Detective Byers. Dr. Blackwood."

"What's going on?" Joyce asked, clearly confused.

"This is Todd," Jim said looking at Todd who was looking even more confused. "He's agreed to lend us his vehicle to transport our dangerous criminal."

Natalie gave Joyce and nudge and she climbed into the back of the car with Alexei, "ah yes, he's a very dangerous forger,"

"Child murder," Jim said.

"Animal smuggler," Natalie added.

Todd threw his hands up in shock and Natalie scrambled into the passenger seat.

"We should really get going," Jim said and started the car.

"How do I get my car back?" Todd asked, his voice shrill.

Jim put the keys into the ignition, "just call the station!"

"What station!" Todd shouted.

Jim turned on the car and the engine roared to life, Rock music came on over the radio and he whistled, "ooh, I like the sound of that Todd!" and he began driving out of the station.

Todd chased after them shortly shouting, "what station!"

Natalie turned in her seat as she watched Todd kick the gas pump in frustration and she laughed, which in turn made everyone in the car laugh. Even Alexei laughed and he had no idea what was going on.

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