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hello all! I remade the cover I hope you guys like it! The picture is from National Geographic!

Anyway I hope you like this chapter, and I always read and respond to yall's comments so some of your ideas/questions will be put in or answered as well as I can haha

Thank you so much for all the support, it means so much! Love you guys!

Not edited


Natalie pushed down the guilt that was bubbling up inside her as she glanced back at a crestfallen Jim. His eyes were downcast on the ground and his shoulders sagged with sadness.

She tore her eyes away from him and entered Will's room and her lips twitched up into a smile when she saw the boys standing at his bed wildly throwing their hands around as they explained what had happened while he was gone.

Natalie leaned against the door frame with a smile on her face as she watched them. Will's face broke out into a wide grin at the mention of some girl crying at his funeral. Then his kind brown eyes cuaght her standing in the doorway and he tried to sit up.

"Nat!" he croaked out in relief and surprise.

She rushed to his bedside and gently pushed him back down, "Don't try to get up too quick, Will." she told him as tears clouded her vision.

He nodded and wrapped his thin arms around her in a tight hug, and a silent sob tore through him, "I heard you." he whispered.

She looked at him with tear filled eyes, "What?" her voice was quiet.

"In the bathroom and in the house, you brought Bucky," he told her softly.

Natalie felt the air rush out of her body, "You were the flickering lights in the bathroom when I was washing my face. Oh, Will, I'm so sorry." she held him close to her.

He nodded, "It's okay, I'm here now."

They broke apart and Natalie kept her hand in his and squeezed it before looking at him again, "I can bring you a sketchbook and some new colors if you want to draw while you're here." she offered.

Will broke out into a weak, but dazzling grin, "Only if you draw with me too."

She laughed, "Of course I will." she patted his shoulder

Will nodded and grew quite his eyes drifting to the ceiling in discomfort.

Natalie leaned forward, feeling a little concerned, "Are you okay? Are you having trouble breathing?" she asked him.

He turned his head to look at her, his pale skin illuminated by the artificial light. "Can I tell you something," he whispered his eyes flickering to his friends that were chatting by the bed.

She nodded, understanding what he was going to say was just for her, "Hey guys, can you step out for a second?" she asked the group of boys.

They nodded and left the room in a mess, shoving each other and laughing about some Star Wars joke. Natalie nodded at Will that he could talk.

Will took a crackly deep breath before talking, "I think it's still in me." he told her quietly, so quietly that Natalie had to strain her ears to hear him.

"The thing I pulled out of you?" she asked him, "Have you told the doctor this?"

"No, it's fine" he rushed, his eyes wide with panic, "I'm fine. I think it feels like it's still there." he told her quickly.

Natalie narrowed her eyes, "Will..."

He sighed, "Don't say anything." he pleaded, "Please, I just want this to be over."

Smoke -- Jim HopperDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora