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Sorry very short chapter, Ive been so busy!

Thank you all for the support, love you guys!

not edited!


"Good," Jim said with a nod, "where are you kids?" he asked as he motioned for the group to follow him outside to the car.

"We're in the junk yard where the old school bus is." Mike said over the walkie talkie.

"Sit tight kid, I'll be there in a bit. Stay put, don't move." he said sternly.

"Got it, over." Mike said and the line went dead.

Jim looked at the group and glanced at every person briefly, "Okay, here's the plan: Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy stay at the house. Natalie and I will get the kids and meet you back there as soon as possible. Is that clear?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, please be fast." Joyce said with a nervous smile and lead the anxious teenagers into the small house.

Natalie looked at Jim with a confused tilt of her head, "I thought you didn't want me to get in the thick of things?" she asked.

Jim opened his mouth and closed it with a disgruntled scoff, "whatever, get your ass in the car, we're wasting time." he told her as he got into the drivers seat.

Natalie got into the car with a smirk. She liked how she could get him all riled up with a couple of words.

Jim started the car and like all the times before, he floored it all the way there. Natalie gripped onto the armrest and grit her teeth as he drove the car off the road and into a field by some train tracks. Soon they parked by the junk yard and there were already black cars parked there. Some men were snooping around, speaking into walkie talkies.

"shit," Jim muttered and began to get out, Natalie started getting out too and he looked at her with wide eyes, "what are you doing?"

"I'm coming with you. That's why I'm here right?" she asked him.

"No, you're here as moral support. Stay in the car." he told her seriously.

Natalie shook her head, "When are you going to learn that I don't just 'sit by'" she said with a raised eyebrow.

Jim rolled his eyes in defeat, "Fine. Stay close." he told her as they shut the doors quietly.

Natalie walked quietly behind Jim. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest as they got closer to the government officials. Jim looked back at her and pointed to the bus.

'get the kids, ill take care of them' he mouthed at her.

Natalie nodded and grabbed Jim's hand and squeezed it before stealthy stalking over to the bus. Her senses seemed to be on overdrive as she took in her surroundings. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jim grab a guy around the neck and pull him to the ground and knocking him unconscious. Natalie was about to reach the front doors of the bus, when a government officials popped out of no where.

"Excuse me?" The man took a startled step back and his hand landed on his gun.

Natalie gulped, "Sir, you have to help me!" she pleaded and tried to think of something on the fly, her eyes darting around as she thought, "Uh, theres this girl!" she cried out in fake fear.

"Ma'am, please calm down. The situation is being tak-"

Natalie flung herself in his arms and fake sobbed, "It was awful!" she cried and she promptly kneed the man where the sun doesn't shine.

"Holy shit!" the man cried out in pain as he crumpled to the ground.

Natalie raised her foot, "Sorry." she told him and kicked him in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

She then promptly ran up the bus steps and opened the door, she saw the group of kids huddled in the back of the bus, "Hey guys, lets go." she told them.

They sat frozen for a second and then scrambled to their feet. They all ran after her as they exited the bus and meet up with Jim who was looking at the sky with worry.

"Hurry up." he said gruffly.

They all sprinted to the car and got in, the four kids smushed in the back panting and sweaty from the run. Jim started the car and drove to Joyce's house at a safer speed than he usually drives at.

Natalie turned around in her seat, "So who is this?" she asked and looked at the girl. She knew that this was Terry Ives child, Jane.

Mike nodded at the girl who looked at Natalie with wary eyes, "Eleven." she spoke quietly.

"She goes by El." Mike added and smiled at El.

Natalie grinned at El, "I'm Natalie. Ive heard that you are one bitchin' kid."

"Natalie," Jim warned from next to her.

Natalie winked at El, who smiled at her softly. The boys in the back all grin and started talking about all the cool things El can do. How she saved Mike and Dustin from the kids who bully them. Natalie nodded as she listened to them talk.

"Sounds like you kids have had quite the adventure." she told them with a grin.

The car slowed down to a stop and everyone got out.

Nancy, Johnathan, and Joyce all ran out of the house with relieved faces. Nancy engulfed Mike in a bone crushing hug.

"Mike! I was so worried about you." Nancy told him and her eyes landed on El, and she tilted her head, "is that my dress?"

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