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HI friends! I just posted a sneak peak of my Billy fic! go check it out! It's called Stigma :) Read the note above the writing!!!

Thank you for all the support <3

Also, I know this is sort of dumb, but I have no idea how long Will was stuck in the upside down, soooo I'm just gonna guess two weeks??? please correct me if I'm wrong lol, I tried looking it up but got no answers haha

Not edited!


Natalie looked up at the dark sky as they walked through the Upside Down, the air was filled with white opaque flakes that blew lazily in the nonexistent breeze. She took a shaky inhale as she watched Jim try to calm down a hyperventilating Joyce. His large hands rubbing circles on her back as he told her to breath in and out gently. She couldn't help but notice that his eyes were glazed over in pain as he helped Joyce.

Natalie walked closer to the pair and grabbed Joyce's hand and squeezed it, "We will find him. Just think when this is over, it will almost be Christmas." she said with a smile.

Joyce gave her a weak smile and nodded, "I'm okay." she said quietly and they began to walk forward.

Natalie followed closely behind Joyce, and Jim brought up the rear. His flashlight illuminating the woods. Vines crept around the trees and almost looked like they were moving when the light shone on them. She felt her heart beat increase as the memories of the Demogorogn invaded her conscious again, condensation started to gather on her helmet as her breathing increased and she didn't even notice that Jim and Joyce were a little ways ahead of her. With a burst of nerves she ran towards the pair and tugged on Jim's sleeve.

He gave her a nod, totally immersed in his thoughts about Will and missed the fact that silent tears were streaming down Natalie's scared face.

"Jim," she said with a shaky voice and pulled on his sleeve again.

"Yes?" he said while looking around the woods for Castle Byers.

She took a shaky breath, trying to control her breathing. The words he said to Joyce when she was panicking playing in her mind. With an exasperated sigh she tugged on his arm again, feeling her words stick in her throat like glue.

Jim turned to look at her and his face grew soft when he saw her tears. He immediately wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him, "It's okay, I've got you. You're safe." he told her quietly as they continued to walk through the woods.

Natalie felt her heart beat slow down as she walked next to Jim. She looked up at him with a small smile, which he returned warmly. All at once Natalie felt a rush of emotions flood her mind as she looked into his light blue eyes, a sort of soft warmth spread from her head to her toes just by looking at him, and for a moment she could have sworn she felt the new emotion of--

She shook her head, no way she could be getting such strong feelings for Jim just after two weeks. That would be insane.

A shake of her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts and Jim pointed towards a pile of wood and blankets on the forest floor. The three of them ran to the rubble and sifted through the mess.

"Will!" Joyce called out, her voice shaking as she walked around the perimeter of the castle. She turned around and looked at them, "Maybe he went into the house?" she asked.

"Yeah, Will's a smart kid." Natalie said kindly and they made there way to the Byers house.

They opened the door to the house and Natalie's eyes were immediately drawn to the bear trap and the gooey burnt flesh and black blood that was smeared on the carpet. She nudged Jim with her elbow.

"Look," she said and pointed to the bear trap, "I think that Nancy and Johnathan have been busy." she said.

Jim walked over to the bear trap and squatted down to look at it, "It's been wounded." he said and his eyes followed the trail of blood that led to the outside of the house.

Joyce came out of Will's room and shook her head, "He's not here." her voice cracked.

"I bet, that Will is wherever the Demogorgon is." Natalie said lowly.

Jim nodded, "We better go." he said as he stood up and walked out of the house. Natalie and Joyce followed him out the door.

The walk was silent, the only sound was the crunching of decayed leaves and other dead things that littered the ground. The town was slowly coming into their field of vision. Natalie's head tilted as she looked at her vet clinic, vines crawled up the side of the small building and the windows were smashed in. She supressed a shiver that ran through her and tore her eyes from the creepy building.

Instead, she focused on the line of blood rather than the ghostly version of downtown Hawkins they were currently walking through. Natalie stopped when the trail met some stairs and she realized that the monster had brought it's victims to the town hall.

With a bolt of adrenaline, she sprinted up the stairs behind Joyce and Jim and entered the building. Her eyes landed on the number of decaying bodies that littered the floor. A scream tore her out of her trance, and she looked at Joyce shaking Will, who was tied against the wall with vines.

She rushed over to him and forcefully grabbed the vine that was in his mouth, Natalie pulled expecting it to fall out of his mouth, but to her horror, it felt like the thing had traveled through his entire digestive system. She shut her eyes momentarily and looked at Joyce, "You might want to look away." she told her. Natalie pulled with all her might and out came a squealing thing that squirmed on the ground. She immediately smashed her boot into it and pulled Will off the wall.

Joyce raced over to his side, crying, "He's not breathing! He's not breathing." she repeated and Jim kneeled down and started preforming CPR.

Natalie looked at Jim and noticed his eyes start to glaze over like they did earlier and he slowed his compressions, lost in the memories of what she could assume was his daughters death. Natalie nudged him out of the way and took over, she looked at Joyce, "Okay, Joyce I need you to tilt his head back." she instructed.

Joyce tilted Will head back and looked to Natalie again.

"Good, when I tell you when, you are going to pinch his nostrils and breath into his mouth, okay? Two times. Make sure his chin is lifted." she told her.

Joyce nodded again and Natalie counted the number of compression before look to Joyce with a nod. "Now." she told her.

This went on for a minute before Natalie started to get worried. If he didn't get air to his brain, the chances of Will surviving would drastically drop, and increase his chances of brain damage if he did wake up. With a growl of anger Natalie slammed her fist down on his chest, causing his body to recoil into her fist. She did it again, this time hard, and winching at the sound of a cracked rib.

Joyce let out a gasp, and Natalie mouthed a quick apology as she did it again.

Will weakly coughed and his eyes focused in on his mom and Natalie who were hovering above him.

Natalie quickly took off her helmet and shoved it onto Will so he could breath clean air. With a sigh she sat back on her heels and watched Will slowly become revived.


Action packed haha poor Jim with his memories of Sara :(

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