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I was woken up by a beeping sound coming from my bag and I knew what is creating this noise, so I quickly stood up, grab my bag and went to the bathroom and opened it

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I was woken up by a beeping sound coming from my bag and I knew what is creating this noise, so I quickly stood up, grab my bag and went to the bathroom and opened it.

I opened the gameboy to find Chihiro waiting impatiently.

"I remember that I told you to not make a scene." I type in, with an annoyed sigh.

"I am sorry but I was finally able to crack open all the files that were on this laptop! Sorry to have kept you waiting!" My eyes perk up, in this sick state, I felt kinda happy.

"Tell me." I typed in, "I analyzed the files and extracted all the useful information I could find. And one particularly important fact I discovered was that a certain plan had been put into effect here.

> "To isolate the students of Hope's Peak Academy and create a communal life for them."

That was the stated goal of the plan... But it was meant to be more than just a normal school life. The students were intended to live out the rest of their lives here." It's...exactly the situation we found ourselves in.....

"It's quite unthinkable, isn't it? And what's more, the one who came up with the plan was non other than the administrators of Hope's Peak themselves. It seems that the reason they devised this plan was because of what happened one year ago. This is how they described that event... They said it was the "biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history."" Huh? I wonder what happened in the biggest, most awful blah blah.

"Otherwise known as The Tragedy, it was apparently some sort of devastating occurrence. Because of The Tragedy, Hope's Peak Academy was forced to discontinue its role as a school and close down. Oh, wait! There's one other thing I forgot to mention. I think it might be important. I believe it has to do with the mastermind... No...that I still don't know. But I *did* find a clue, I think. The one leading the Hope's Peak staff, the one who finalized the plan to isolate you was the Hope's Peak headmaster. So that same person may very well be the mastermind who planned all this out. And according to the files, the headmaster is a man in his late thirties. It seems possible, even likely, that he's somewhere in this school right now. " damn, so much info!!!!

"More info?" I typed in, he sadly smiled and said "No"

I type "You did great." And was about close this but suddenly got an idea.

"Hey, if I connect you to this place, would you be able to play with lights, automatic door and camera?" I typed in a confused manner.

"Yes, that way I can help you more!" He happily said.

I smiled and typed in "That's wonderful but I will do that later." And closed it.

So much info and some are fake, I have made a small plan on how to get out of here in the back of my mind. I will fuck with the mastermind's mind.

After that chat, I left the room and did my normal things but slowly due to being slightly sick.

I wore a mask and left my room and stroll over to the dining hall. I opened the door and enter with a smile but nobody could see it due to the mask.

"Morning." I said as I sit on a random seat, "only four huh?" I mumbled as I find only Makoto, Celeste and Hifumi in the dining hall.

"So how's the new floor?" I ask, Gazing at Makoto. He looks at me and smiled and said "You can find many types of protein supplements, chemicals and poisons on the fourth floor Chem lab"

"We found the data centre and the headmaster's room but it's locked and we cannot enter." Celeste said while taking a sip from her tea.

"There is also a new rule "Breaking down a locked door is prohibited!" But I am sure you already knew that."Hifumi happily explained. Oh so, that's what that noise was coming from but Chihiro didn't even try to explain. That a.i just took it lmao.

"And I find this" he showed me a picture of Sayaka, Hagakure and Chihiro, those three were sitting on a bench, smiling gleefully at the camera or the cameramen but who cares.

"Beautiful but that didn't happen didn't it? This event never happened." I mumbled as I stare at the picture, it looked real, too real.

Makoto and the other nodded.

After our lunch, we left to our own ways. We had a lively breakfast.

I decided to speak with Sakura. I looked for her everywhere but to no avail, I couldn't find her. I knocked on her door, waiting for a reply.

The door slowly opened and a scary-looking Sakura opened the door, "Y-You okay?" I accidentally stuttered in fear.

She didn't reply, just kept staring at me. "I know you are sad about her death, Aoi was a really sweet girl, I am being selfish but you slightly need to move on and instead why don't we beat up the mastermind instead and you can kill that piece of shit, give him a black eye for killing your girlie, y'know like whoosh! Whash! Badam! Blah blah!" I tried to play it cool.

"I know, it's hard to talk about it so I can wait, I will wait for eternity y'know, I can wait forever, just remember that I will be here for you, just here." I said with a gentle smile and left the room to give her some space, I will always be here for my friend, always cuz I am the ultimate friend (0v0)

"Attention! Attention! Please gather in the gym as soon as you possibly can! Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly!" Monokuma's voice echoes through the halls, setting fear and terror into my brain.

I wonder what's happening next.

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