under arrest

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Tessa's POV

The awful stench of the dumpsters and smoke spread through the air in the darkness of a New York City night.

Stars were impossible to see and building were higher than my hopes and dreams.

What a life.

A life I never asked for.

I took a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it up. I burned myself with the match and swiped my finger on my jacket.

I saw red and blue lights flash across the corner. Although I wasn't really doing anything wrong, I didn't need any cops seeing me.

I'm ten and I'm wandering the streets of New York at night by myself. No sane person would do that. Even adults. I'm aware it looks suspicious.

I walked a bit quicker to hide behind a dumpster in an alley way up ahead.

I turned the corner while looking behind me. When I looked forward, I saw someone in front of me.

I let out a squeal and, to my surprise, he yelled too. He put his hand over my mouth to stop me and he stopped himself on his own.

When the flashing lights passed he took his hand off my mouth. I was frozen in fear.

Who was this guy?

"You almost got me caught!" He yelled.

"I almost got you caught? You almost busted me!" I retaliated.

He looked at me for a second and I looked at him. "I'm Dallas."


We shook hands and looked at each other. "We should get out of here." He said.

"Good idea."

We both peaked around each corner and walked to the left. "So, whatcha doing out here?" He asked.

"I could be asking you the same thing." I said, taking the cigarette out of my mouth.

"You shouldn't be wandering around at night." He said.

"Yeah, let me get on that." I said, rolling my eyes. I was done with this guys sarcasm and weird comments.

He laughed. "I'm just messing with ya. Why are you hiding from the cops?"

"No real reason. Just don't really want an officer finding a ten year old wandering around in the middle of the night in a sketchy part of town. What about you?"

"I stole from a store and beat some kid up." He said casually.

"You're kidding. Right?" He didn't respond. "Right!"

A bright light flashed from behind us. I felt my heartbeat quicken.

"You two are under arrest! Put your hands up!"

Dallas and I both turned around slowly with our hands in the air. "You two have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you."

I looked at Dallas and dropped my cigarette to the ground. He just grinned at me.

One officer grabbed my hands and put my hands behind my back in handcuffs while another officer did the same to him.

Within a minute we were both in the back off a cop car in silence.

"What did you drag me into?" I whispered.

He glared at me. "It's your fault. You came with me."

"I didn't know you were getting arrested!" I said in a yell-whisper.

"Quiet, you two." The officer said. I rolled my eyes and Dallas groaned.

Normally my nights aren't as... exhilarating at this, if that's even the word to use.

We arrive at the police station and the two of us were immediately separated. I went to the girls side and he went to the boys.

A bunch of older woman were in there and being searched. I was next.

Then I had to get a mugshot!

Is this even legal?

I was given a call, but I denied it. Probably not the smartest move, but I didn't want to talk to mom or Kaley. Kaley is my sister and my mom barely even notices me.

That's why I was out wandering by myself in the first place.

Here's a secret for ya.

I'd rather be in jail than at home.

I was put in a cell all by myself and I couldn't find it in me to sit down. It was awful. The room smelled of piss and for the first time in a while, I was genuinely scared.

I don't know how much time passed while I was stuck in that tiny room. But it felt like forever. Eventually, an officer came to get me.

"Come on. We're taking you and that boy home." He said.

He opened the door and I walked out in shame. I was so embarrassed.

People watched me as I walked out with the guy. I was put in the back of the car and I pushed my knees to my chest.

It was still dark out; so, it couldn't have been that long. Minutes later, they pushed Dallas in next to me. I refused to make eye contact. He did this to me.

We started driving and I'm pretty sure we were going to my apartment first.

"Teresa Brooks? Right?" The officer asked.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Alright. Which ones your apartment."

"4B." I said, still keeping it vague.

The officer got out and opened the door. "Come on." He said. He looked behind me. "You, stay here."

"Yeah, like I'm going anywhere." He mumbled.

I couldn't help, but crack a grin. The officer motioned for me to head upstairs and I sighed as I got closer.

I was in trouble.

And not just the average kinda trouble where you get grounded.

I get in serious trouble when I leave a light on after walking out of the kitchen.

My mom's gonna lose her mind when she finds out I got arrested.

The officer and I stopped in front of the door with the sign "4B" on the front and he knocked.

We waited a few moments before Kaley opened the door.

She looked at me and the officer with no expression on her face. She seemed shocked. I mean, I guess I would be two if I had a baby sister come home in the middle of the night with an officer.

"Mom! Tessa's at the door with an officer!"

"Mom! Tessa's at the door with an officer!"

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tessa when she's older ^^

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