two can play it that way

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Tessa's POV

I snuck around the back roads on my way to Daniel's house. I had to pass the school to get there and I hoped nobody was gonna be lingering around after and would see me.

I walked as quickly as I could without l suspicious and I made it to the rich side of Tulsa.

I knocked on Daniel's door and took a deep breath.

"Oh! Hey, Tess. What's up? I'm assuming something about the rumble tonight." He said with a laugh.

I sighed. "Yeah. Can I come in?"

Ponyboy's POV

"Johnny, Dal. Look. Is that Tessa?" I asked pointing to the other side of the road.

I was staying after school with Johnny, 'cause Dally had detention and we were gonna go get something to eat before the rumble tonight.

"What's she doing?" Dally asked.

"It looks like she's heading to the Socs side of town. Do you think she's joining them?" Johnny asked.

"No way. I swore she woulda picked us." Dally mumbled.

"I kinda did, too. But I mean, I guess Socs do have it all." I muttered.

"No, they have money. If she wants to be greedy, that's on her. But there's no way she wants to join them for any other way." Dallas said storming off.

Johnny and I trailed behind and I whispered so Dallas couldn't hear me. "She's got a couple hours. She could still change her mind."


"Guys, she's not coming." Darry said. "Let's just go."

"We still have time. We always get their early. Maybe we can show up late for once." I said, still trying to defend her.

"Ponyboy! She's not coming!" Steve yelled. "If you had the chance to be a Soc, would you pass it up? They give her everything!"

"They're using her." Dallas yelled.

"So what?" Steve retaliated. "She either knows that or she doesn't. It doesn't change anything! She still gets what she wants." He said, slumping back in the couch.

"Fine. Whatever. Let's just go." I said.

"I'm sorry, Ponyboy." Sodapop said just as we all stood up.

Just then, the door slammed open. "What are you guys all doing here? Everyone's at the park waiting for y'all."

"Tessa!" We all yelled.

Tessa's POV

The guys all ran up to me and starting getting excited.

"You're here!" Dallas yelled.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked trying to sound confused.

"We saw you go towards the Socs house." Ponyboy blurted out.

"How? I wasn't with you guys all day!"

"We saw you walk by the school." Johnny said.

"Why were you there?"

"We were waiting for Dal. He got detention."

"Of course he did." I muttered.

"So you gonna fight with us?" Sodapop asked.

"It seems to be that I am." I said with a laugh.

"Woo! Let's go!" Steve yelled running around the door.

I laughed and followed along them. For a rumble none of us wanted, we sure were excited. 

"We're gonna show 'em!" Two-Bit yelled just before we got to the park.

I stood in the back and waited for the Socs to arrive. Their cars finally pulled up and they came over in clumps.

I made eye contact with Daniel and Dallas came over to me. "Why were you at his house anyway?" He whispered.

"I-I'll tell you later." I mumbled.

Randy leaned over to Bob. "Where's Teresa?"

"She'll be here. If she doesn't, she'll regret it." He whispered back. Daniel looked away from me.

I shuddered.

"Are we gonna start this or not?" Tim asked.

"Just give us a second. We're missing someone."

I sighed. "I'm right here." I mumbled shoving Ponyboy over to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ben asked.

"I'm not a Soc. I never have been one and I never will be." I said.

Bobs fisted clenched and he knocked me hard across the face.

I stumbled back a bit, but I was quick to continue the fight. Bob was gonna get back at me.

Johnny and Darry quickly took care of Ben and Hunter. Then Darry came over and got Bob off my back.

I went over to Ryan next, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt Daniel. It didn't feel right.

But then the Socs ran.

We ran behind them, but they were done.

"Woo!" Steve yelled. "We did it again!"

I laughed as everyone started jumping up and down.

"Teresa! You kidding me!" Bob yelled grabbing my shirt and pulling me back. "I thought we had a deal."

"Well, we didn't. I'm done." I mumbled.

"Clearly you didn't get enough the first time."

He grabbed the switch blade out of his back pocket and my eyes widened. I wasn't sure if the guys went quiet or I just managed to zone out every bit of noise.

He could kill me right now if he wanted to.

I swallowed and I realized something.

The rumble was over.

I can play dirty.

I kicked him and he groaned. He tumbled down a bit and I punched the blade out of his hand. He had a strong grip on it even for getting hurt.

"You wanna try that again?" I asked. I picked the blade up and put it at his throat. "'Cause two can play it that way."

"God dammit, Teresa." He mumbled before running for the car.

I laughed at turned around as I put the blade in my pocket. "Winners!" I yelled.

And the laughter continued.

We all ran back home and cleaned ourselves up before heading to the dingo to celebrate.

We finally won!

We won for good!

We stayed at the dingo for a while. I was having so much fun, I didn't even realize how long I was there.

I looked at the clock and realized it's almost two in the morning.

"Hey, Ponyboy. I'm gonna head out." I said just loud enough so he could hear me.

"Ok. You wanna stay at my house?" He asked.

"I dunno. I'll see."

"Here, I'll walk ya home." He said throwing his coke away.

"It's ok. I'll walk her home." Dallas said barging in.

"You sure?" Ponyboy and I both asked at the same time.

"Yeah. Come on, darlin'." He said walking out next to me.

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