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Tessa's POV

We stopped and listened to the conversation from afar.

"Where's you're little girlfriend?" The girl asked. It was definitely Sylvia.

"I already told you, she's not here."

"Well, duh. But why can't we hangout then?"

Ponyboy looked at me to see my expression. But I couldn't look at him.

"I mean, I guess we could. But we're not dating. This isn't a date."

"I understand. Let's just go get something to eat. Come on, don't be such a snooze."

"Fine." Dallas said.

I turned around without a word from Ponyboy. "Tess, you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." I muttered. "I just wanna go home."

"I'll walk ya over there."

"It's ok. I'll be fine. I mean, he said it wasn't a date. And I'm sure if I ask him about it he'll tell me."


"Hey, Dal." I mumbled as he walked in the door. It was after nine before he got home.

"Hey, doll."

"What did ya do today?" I asked, slumping back on the bed.

"Hung out with Johnny. We went to lunch today."

Well... maybe I was wrong.

I have gave him a sigh and rolled over. I wanted to go to bed. Even if it was early. It's been a long enough day.

Dally didn't question my decision to go to bed early causing an easy drift to sleep.

I was awoken the next morning by a nudge. "Tessa, wake up. Tess. Tess. Tess. Teresa!"

I groaned as I knew I was unable to ignore it. "What...?" I drawled.

"It's my birthday. Get up."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Come on, the guys are taking us out. We're going to celebrate."

"Wait, hold up. What's todays date?"

"The ninth."


"Tess, don't you think it's time to start celebrating on our own? I mean, we've been with these guys for a couple years now and they all celebrate their birthdays individually."

"Yeah, but their birthdays are all far apart."

"Tessa, come on. We can celebrate yours on the twenty-first this year!"

"Fine. I'll start getting ready, but I don't wanna celebrate my birthday. I only did it, because it was together. But whatever, Dallas." I muttered.

I got out of bed without another word to him.  I was already annoyed with him after yesterday.

I got ready quickly and we walked out without saying anything. We both knew where we were going. There was no need to talk, anyway."

"I get the feeling you're annoyed with me." Dallas said.

"I am annoyed with you." I said, plainly.

"Why? Doll, come on. Talk to me. Is this about the birthday thing?"

"Why am I annoyed? Dallas, y'know Ponyboy asked me yesterday what you were like before you met them? He knows you changed and not for the better. And don't act like you went out with Johnny yesterday. I heard you tell Sylvia you'd go with her?" I said, quickly.

"I didn't go out with Sylvia. I ditched her for Johnny after she said she wouldn't mind if it was a date. And I'm sorry I "changed." I'm obviously gonna act different. I'm around country boys. It's all different. You changed, too and don't try to tell me you haven't."

"Wait, you really didn't go out with her?"

"No." He said angrily.

"Oh. God, I feel like an idiot." I muttered.

We walked in silence to the Curtis' and before we turned onto their street I spoke up. "Dal, I'm sorry. I should have trusted you. And I know we've changed. Obviously. We're getting older. Things are always gonna change."

I wasn't sure if I believed myself, but this is what I'm going with.

I continued. "I'm sorry for a rocky start to your birthday. If you wanna start celebrating, I shouldn't be upset over it."

"It's alright. Look, I don't wanna keep fighting with ya."

"I know." I mumbled.

"So let's not do it. Ask me about it next time. I wouldn't lie to ya."

I wanted to believe him. I did. But I had to push this away for now.

"I know." I said, finally making eye contact.

"I love ya." He said.

"Love you, too." I mumbled.

He kissed me quickly and we continued walking. "We'll have a good time today. I promise."

I wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep that promise. But I had to trust him for now. I hid what I really wanted to say and just put on a smile. 

We walked in the house and the guys all told him happy birthday. I walked up to Ponyboy and he gave me a sympathetic smile. He could always tell when I was bothered.

We walked to the diner down the street for a nice breakfast while Ponyboy and I stayed in the back.

"You seem upset. What happened? Did he tell you about Sylvia?"

"I feel like an idiot. He didn't go out to eat with Sylvia. He ditched her for Johnny after she said she wanted more with him."

"Uh oh."

"Yeah, uh oh. And for the first time, I finally confronted him and now I feel like an asshole."

I explained everything that happened this morning to the best I could and waited for his response.

"I mean, you were just wondering. It's not your fault." 

"I know. But I still can't help, but feel guilty."

"I'm sure everything will workout fine. And you're right. You two are both getting older. Things are changing and he has to realize that, too. You' be known him for seven years and you've worked out you're problems every time. What makes this time different?"

I sighed. "You're right. You always are."

He grinned. "Of course I am."

I rolled my eyes playfully and we caught up to the rest of the group.

We sat down at the diner and Dally enjoyed celebrating his birthday. I felt awful. He really looked happy. And that's all I want.

It sounds corny. But if he's happier with his friends than he is with me, I guess I need to understand that.

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