break up

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Tessa's POV

I learned more of the Socs names and a couple of them collectively asked why I suddenly wanted to join their side.

I explained the whole thing to the best I could. I wasn't sure if some of 'em believed it. But it's the truth and that's the best I could offer.

"Hey, you're the chick who hit us with your crutches." One of the guys in the back said.

I felt my face get red. I knew that was a bad idea, but never did I think it would be because of this.

We all eventually started driving to the park and, of course, Socs showed up late.

I saw everyone start to get in their lines and I grinned as I walked behind them.

"Y'know they're all gonna hate ya after this." Bob whispered as we walked up to the group.

I hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, I know." I said, softly.

"You win us this and you're set with us." Daniel said.

I grinned. "Well then I hope we win this. They can't change their tactics now. It's too late."

We all lined up and David and Daniel quickly filled me in on their tactics on how to take everyone else down.

I tried to make it make sense. I learned some of it in the car over here, but I finished the rest of it up minutes before.

"Tessa?" Someone asked.

The three of us looked over and the greasers were all staring at me.

"Yeah?" I asked, responding to Ponyboy.

"What are you doing here?" Sodapop asked.

"I mean, you guys all made it very clear you didn't want me to fight with you. So I switched sides."

"Can she do that?" Johnny asked Dallas.

"Hey, isn't that your boyfriend?" Randy asked.

I looked at Dallas. The eye contact was unbearable.

"No." I finally said. "Not anymore." I said getting quieter.

Dallas' expression didn't change. But I couldn't look at him. Not the way I'd ever expect a break up to go for me.

I felt horrible.

But what's done is done.

Seven years of friendship and four years of dating all thrown out the window.

I wasn't sure if I blamed the rumble that was about to start or the damn car accident.

Both were at fault.

But I shook off my nerves before this thing was about to start.

I lined up behind the guys before one of them started the whole thing.

Randy did the honors of throwing the first punch.

Here goes nothing.

I stuck behind Ben since he was the weakest Soc. I felt bad going up against the greasers, but it quickly faded.

Ben took Ponyboy and I took Johnny. Darry came up and knocked Ben in the nose and I dropped Johnny to help him out.

I grunted as someone kicked my shin and shoved me over. I tumbled a bit, but Ben had my back.

Time went on and the greasers ran right outta the park.

"Ha! Look at 'em!" Bob yelled.

I grinned as all the Socs got riled up.

I stood over to the side and laughed. I started to leave and go off on my own, but they all started coming up to me.

"You were right! Holy fuck! You were right!" Hunter yelled.

"Woo! Come on, let's head back to my place!" Jason yelled.

We all piled in the cars and I was with Hunter, Daniel, Bob and Rick on the way back to Jason's house.

"Y'know, Teresa, I had my doubts about you." Bob said. "Didn't believe ya."

"Best believe it now. Cause I ain't ever going back."

"Hell yeah!" Hunter yelled.

I grinned. I couldn't believe how my night had ended. My face was busted and my body was bruised, but I never felt better.

Ponyboy's POV

We all separated back into our small groups and the seven of us went back to our house.

"Dal, where ya going?" Two-Bit asked.

"Umm... I'm just gonna head back to Bucks for the night. I hate losing." He said, walking past our house.

We all left it at that. I know how much he cared about Tessa. Even if he'd never say it I knew his feelings were hurt.

He loved that girl. More than she'll ever know.

I know they had their ups and downs, but man the way he talked about her when she wasn't around. You woulda thought they've been together for decades.

I like Tessa. As a friend, of course. I know she never felt like she was good enough for Dal. She'd beat herself up over it all the time.

I wish I could go back in time and show her that he does.

Hell, maybe that wouldn't have changed anything.

She's got a negative mindset. No way she'd ever believe it.

We all sat in silence fixing up our wounds.

Darry finally spoke up. "Ya think Dal's gonna be ok?"

"He just got his ego bruised. He'll be fine." Steve said.

"I dunno. I think he's kinda upset. I mean, to get dumped like that must suck." Johnny continued. 

"Exactly. Ego bruised." Steve said, repeating himself.

"Ya really think so?" I asked.

"Yeah. Ya really think he's upset about losing her? Cause if that's what you're thinking, you're crazy. He's embarrassed." Steve continued with his argument.

"I think you're wrong." I muttered.

"Yeah, whatever."

I really didn't believe it. He probably was embarrassed. But he did care about her. I was sure of it.

Tessa's POV

I ended up falling asleep on Jason's couch along with a bunch of other guys.

Normally I was always the last one to wake up for anything no matter what. But I was the first one up. Everyone was still asleep.

I decided it was a good idea for me to head out. Probably for the best. I started to stretch and walk out, but someone opened the door before me from the other side.

"Boys, wake up!" A girl yelled. It was followed by a scream when she saw me. "Greaser! Thief!"

"Wait! What? No, I-"

"Jennifer?" David asked.

"There's a greaser here!" She yelled again.

I felt like an idiot just standing there.

"Jen, wait. Slow down. She's with us." Bob said coming up next to me.

I gave her a sheepish smile while she gave me a weird look.

She finally spoke up. "What happened last night?"

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