my own mother

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Tessa's POV

I saw mom round the corner with her book in her hand. "Tessie! What happened?" She asked, sweetly. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

I rolled my eyes.


"Miss Brooks, your daughter was caught with a boy who beat up a kid and robbed a store. She was taken into custody and was later figured to be 'guilty by association.'" He said using air quotes.

"Oh, come here, sweetie." She said hugging me. "You had me worried sick."

She kissed my cheek and sighed. "Thank you, officer."

"Anytime, ma'am."

Ma closed the door and didn't turn around. I stood there nervously. I knew what was coming.

"Teresa, what in the world were you thinking?" She asked, calmly.

I took a breath. "I-I didn't do anything. I just ran into him and he did all the bad stuff."

Kaley laughed. "Kaley! Knock it off!" Mom yelled.

I saw Kaley get nervous. She's only three years older than me. I don't know why she thinks she's so much better than the rest of us. When I was younger, I used to look up to her. Now she's just a self entitled bitch.

I don't blame her though. When you go through enough shit, it's bound to happen.

Kaley's not even my real sister. We have two different dads. But both of ours aren't around anymore.

Kaley walked to her room and I was left by myself facing the meanest person alive.

My own mother.

I winced as her hand struck my face. Her fake diamond ring cut my cheek. I only realized that after I moved my fingers away from my face and saw blood.

"Teresa, never again. You're lucky I didn't get in any more trouble." She put a cigarette up to her mouth one more time before pressing it against my skin. I let out a yelp as the burn got deeper and deeper.

She pulled it off and threw it in the trash can.

The lights turned off and the darkness took over.

I sat down on the floor. I didn't feel the need to go to the couch or my bed just yet. I looked at the clock. I could barely see it, but it was past two o'clock, I knew that.

Part of my wishes I could stay here forever.

In the darkness of the night all by myself.

It was more peaceful.

Less terrifying.

But I did have school tomorrow. School was my only escape. And I'm not that bad at it. I have decent grades. I'm no straight A student, but I have an average B or C.

I crawled into bed in my gross clothes I was wearing outside, but I didn't care.

I truly didn't care anymore.

I woke up to Kaley's alarm clock and turned the lights on. I got dressed and fixed my hair before leaving.

I skipped breakfast. I didn't need to spend time looking for food I know we don't have. Mom hasn't been to the store in weeks. I didn't wanna talk to anyone. I knew it was easier to just leave without it.

I walked to school like every other day and tried to forget all about last night. Forget that I was in jail. That mom probably is never gonna talk to me again. Or worse.

But now it's just an average day here.

"Hey, Teresa, right?" Someone asked.

I looked over and saw Dallas.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"What happened to your face?" He asked.

"I fell." I mumbled.

"Mhmm. Yeah." He said. He didn't believe me. I knew he didn't.

"You go to school here?" I asked.

"Sometimes. I don't always have a way to get here."

"Oh. How come I never see ya?"

"What'd that guy say your last name is? Brooks?" I nodded. "Mines Winston. Alphabetically, we'd never run into each other. But maybe I know your friends." He said.

"Oh. Yeah, maybe. But look, I don't wanna remember last night. So just pretend like you don't know me." I said throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"But last night was awesome!"

"Ok, maybe for you, but I'm in huge trouble and I'm ten with a criminal record!" I yelled.

I looked around quickly to make sure nobody heard that.

"Huh. I thought it was sick. What's your first class?"

"It's none of your business! Leave me alone!" I snapped.

He rolled his eyes. "Jesus Christ. Remind me never to be nice to anyone ever again."

He walked past me and knocked everything out of my hands.

I just kinda looked at it all while people passed by. I threw my backpack against the lockers and walked out of the school.

I didn't wanna be there anyway.

I wandered around and took a granola bar from a convenience store. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I wish my life wasn't this way. I walk down those damn school halls every day watching as girls dress in their nicest clothes with their whole friends group and enjoy themselves.

I wear the same two outfits to stay in dress code and not risk getting sent home to my horrid mother and wander around by myself, because nobody wants to be my friend.

I'm horrible at staying friends with people. I've tried. I really have. But it's harder than it seems.

The sun had started to set and I was getting tired; so, I went home. Kaley and I walked in at the same time.

"Mom's been drinking." She said unlocking the door.

"She has?" I asked.

"Yep. I'd suggest just walking to your room and avoid eye contact with her at all cost. Don't say anything." She mumbled just before opening the door.

I did what she said and walked right to my room. As soon as she opened the door I knew she was telling the truth. The smell of alcohol was spread through the entire kitchen.

I closed my door and put my chair in front of it, locking it so she couldn't get in. I had a leftover bag of pretzels I kept from a few days ago for dinner and took a shower when I heard mom go in her room.

Tomorrows a new day.

Hopefully better than today.

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