asking me out

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Tessa's POV

I thought quickly of a plan. I know how to defend myself. Not attack first. So that's what I went with.

Ben threw a punch at me and I ducked below him, grabbing his leg and pulling it backwards. It didn't do much, but it bought me some time.

Dallas and Robert were pretty much neck and neck. Jason came up from behind me and pulled my hair before I could do anything else.

I groaned. Why did they both choose me? I stood up and did what I could only think of.

I kneed Jason and he toppled over in pain. I knew it wasn't fair play, but I didn't know how else to get out of this.

Ben came up to me and I did the only last thing I could think of: I kicked him in the nose. I swung my fist to his jaw. He took a blow to my face, but I tried not to let it affect me too badly.

Dallas knocked out Robert and came up and finished Ben off.

"C'mon." Dallas said quickly.

I looked behind me once more to make sure they weren't following us.

"Holy SHIT! Teresa that was awesome! Little dirty, but wow!"

"I hated that." I said crossing my arms.

"But you beat them!"

I sighed. "I guess. They deserved it. But Ben hit my jaw pretty good."

"You'll be alright. Come on. Let's get outta here."

It felt good. It did. I guess. Maybe if I said it enough I'd believe it.

This is the kinda thing Dallas seems like he'd be wrapped up in all the time. Not so much me.

But hey, I guess I didn't know. Maybe fighting's apart of life.

I got my revenge. Wasn't something I planned on doing, but I got it.

Y'know, I think Dallas and I are gonna be good friends.


"Tess! Tessa! Tess!" Someone yelled knocking on the door.

I groaned. I got up and opened my bedroom door and made my way to the front door.

"Dallas, what? It's Saturday."

"Your mom home?" He asked.

"At a random guys house."

"Your sister home?"

"Friends house."

"Perfect." He said using this as an excuse to barge right in. "Guess what."

"I'm tired and you're gonna let me go back to bed?" I asked with a fake smile.

"Nope. That dumb eighth grade dance is tonight."

I stared at him blankly. "That's what you woke me up for?"

"No. I came to tell you I got you a date to it!"

I stared at him blankly. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. Haden White asked me if I could set you two up and I said you'd go with him!" He said excitedly.

"Shut up." I said angrily.

"Excited?" He asked.

"Dallas fucking Winston, I swear to God. This is a joke, right?"

"No! I thought you'd be happy." He said.

"I don't wanna go with a kid who still picks his nose! I don't wanna go at all!" I yelled.

He started laughing. "Gotcha! Man, you should have seen your face!"

I rolled my eyes. "I fucking hate you. Not funny. He was still laughing at me. "Asshole."

I started back towards my room. "Wait, fine. Sorry. It was funny. He really did ask me, but I said no, I promise."

I rolled my eyes. "Pinky promise."

"Pinky promise."

I continued towards my bedroom. "Wait, c'mon let's go out to eat."

"After all that? No way." I said opening the door.

"I said sorry." He said, defensively while following me.

I rolled my eyes. "Let me change out of my pajamas, at least. Give me a second."

"Yeah. Nice unicorn pajamas."

I playfully hit him across the arm and he grinned. I brushed my teeth and hair before changing my clothes and we started to head off.

"Y'know what today is?" Dallas asked.


"Guess again."

"I give up."

"You're no fun."

"Just tell me."

"The three year anniversary of when we got arrested."

"How do you remember that?"

"Cause it's the day after my old man's birthday. It also means the day we became friends."

I rolled my eyes. "I still can't believe you got us arrested. But how did you remember it this year and not last year or the year before?"

"I didn't care to think about his birthday. Only remembered today, 'cause he was going on and on about his free drink at the bar a few nights ago for his birthday."

"Oh. Interesting. Well, happy three years, I guess." I said with a grin.

We walked to the diner down the corner and sat inside just around the corner.

"So you really not going to that dance tonight?"

"Nope. Are you?"

"I was gonna show up. See what the deal was."

I laughed. "I wouldn't be caught dead in a place like that."

"What if someone asked you to go with them?"

I laughed. "Someone? Ask me? To go with them? That's funny."

"I'm serious. Hypothetically, if some super hot guy asked you, would you go?"

"Well, it's pretty last minute. But I guess it depends. If he had the personality of a dick, his looks would have to be a ten outta ten." I said with a grin.

"Well, what if I asked you to go with me?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is the Dallas Winston asking me out?" I asked. I started laughing so hard my stomach hurt. His face turned red. "I'm just messing with ya. Relax."

"What if I meant it, though?" He asked.

"Wait, are you being serious?"

He looked at me dead in the eye to try and get a read. "Maybe?"

"Well then, sure I'll go with ya."

"Yes!" He whispered.

I laughed. "So is that why you told Haden no? 'Cause you were gonna ask me?"


I grinned. "I've got absolutely nothing to wear, though. Thanks for waiting till hours before." I said, sarcastically.

"Whatever. I meant to ask you a week ago, but I forgot."

"Wow. What a romantic." We both laughed. "I'll just find something outta Kaley's closet." I mumbled.

"Alright. I'll be at your house at four."

"The dance doesn't start till seven." I said, dumbly.

"Yeah, but I saw you had that really good yogurt in your fridge while I was waiting for you this morning and I was gonna take some of that and get ready at your place."

I laughed. "Alright. Four it is."

Dallas and I ate and we got ready to go our separate ways for the next few hours. "Bye, Tess. Four o'clock?"

"Four o'clock." I reassured. "See ya, Dal."

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