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Tessa's POV

A few weeks went by and I had barely any interaction with the greasers.

And Daniel begged me to start going back to school.

Which was what I'm doing today.

I woke up on an early Monday morning and got ready for school.

I put one a nice outfit so I wouldn't get dress coded and Daniel drove me to school.

I saw Ponyboy and Johnny, which was hard to see. But what was even more upsetting was Dallas making out with Sylvia in the hallways.

Daniel pulled me to his side to comfort me, but it didn't work. How could he move on so quickly?

"So, Teresa..." Daniel started.


"The spring dance is coming up. And y'know, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

It took me by surprise. I forgot we even had a spring dance.

"I dunno, Daniel. You're a great guy, but-"

I noticed Dallas talking to Sylvia and they were both smiling and laughing.

I sighed and smiled. "I'd love to go with you."

He hugged me and we went to our separate classes. The dance was next week and I guess it was one thing to look forward to.

Lola and I went shopping for dresses and i bought the cheapest one I could find. I had a few bucks from small jobs around neighborhoods, but when I'm eighteen I'll finally be able to get a real one.

But for now, this will do.

I got closer to Daniel just before the dance, but I still couldn't help but feel guilty. I mean, I get out of a four year relationship and I'm already going with someone else.

This is gonna be the first dance in my life without Dallas. To my first dance in eighth grade to last year, I've always gone with him.

When I just got out of the hospital, we still hung out by ourselves to make up for not being able to go.

It felt wrong.

Daniel picked me up and we parked in the back before making our way inside. Everyone was already slowly making their way to the dance floor, but I felt so uncomfortable.

"Come on, let's dance!" Daniel yelled to me over the crowd of people.

"I-I dunno. I don't really know how." I said, hoping he heard me.

"You don't know how? Haven't you been to a dance before?"

"I have, but I always spent my time by the food table." I said with a small smile.

"Well, we can wait by the food table till you get comfortable." He said.

I smiled. "Sounds good to me."

Ponyboy's POV

"Where's Sylvia?" I asked Dal. "Didn't you ask her to come with ya?"

"Yeah, she said she's be late. But look. Tessa's over there with that damn Soc."

Johnny and I looked over her direction. She was talking with Daniel, I think's his name.

"So?" Johnny asked.

"How did she move on so quickly?"

We both looked at him like he was crazy. "You've already got with Sylvia. Within the first week."

"Th-that's different. You don't understand."

"You're right. I don't understand." Johnny said, rolling his eyes.

"Go over and listen to their conversation." Dallas said pointing. "Hide under the table."

"Are you serious!" I asked.

"Yes. Go!"

Tessa's POV

"So you moved to Tulsa, right? Where ya originally from?"

"New York."

"You come by yourself?"

"Just me and Dallas. My mom never cared and my dad wasn't around. I have a half sister, but she moved in with her friend when I was a kid."

"Oh wow! I'm sorry."

"It's alright. It's not like I was in my own all the time. I had Dallas. But that was kinda it. It was always just kinda him and I..." I said getting softer.

"I don't mean to be rude, but did you only come with me to get back at Dallas?"

"What! No! Look, Dallas already has another girlfriend. I doubt I could make him jealous if I tried." I said laughing.

"Good, 'cause I really think we could make this work."

I grinned and he leaned down closer to me.

Oh my God, is he gonna kiss me?


I wasn't really ready to kiss someone... I backed away and he slowly got closer.

I guess I was in this.

"Ow!" I yelled. Did someone just kick me?

Ponyboy's POV

"I feel kinda bad..." I whispered to Johnny.

"Me too, but I guess we're here now." He said, adjusting.

Here we were. Hiding under a table. Listening to Tessa and Daniel.

I felt like an idiot.

"I think she's over Dally." Johnny said, dumbly.

"I think so too." I agreed. "We'll just wait it out. When they walk away we'll get out from under here." I continued.

We listened and waited while Daniel started to talk about his relationship with Tessa. I know I couldn't see her, but she sounded uncomfortable.

I kicked her shin and Johnny glared at me. "Why did you do that?"

"I-I dunno..."

He sighed. "We're busted."

Tessa's POV

I looked down and Daniel backed up. I lifted the table cloth up and saw Ponyboy and Johnny.

Oh my God.

I looked at them and got angry immediately, but realized he did it cause I felt uncomfortable.

"Thank you." I mouthed.

I pretended to keep my anger towards them and dropped the table cloth. "Idiots." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Who is it?"

"Let's dance." I said with a grin as I pulled him towards the dance floor.

Ponyboy's POV

"Seriously?" Dallas asked as we walked back.

"She was about to kiss him. You're welcome." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

I guess it's better to just keep the fact that she was thankful for it out of the conversation. I didn't want Dally's ego to rise through the roof.

And I felt ridiculous anyway.

But she does seem to have good conversations with the guy. Maybe she wasn't so innocent during her whole relationship between Dal.

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