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Tessa's POV

The guys explained last night to the best they could. It really was a weird story. I guess I don't blame her for being confused.

But her reaction really bugged me. Were girls really just scared of us like that?

When she got all the details, she looked at me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize-"

"Oh, it's alright. Don't worry about it." I said with a fake smile. I wasn't sure if I meant it, but I guess it's what had to be said.


The next week or so went by and I thought the Socs would have kicked me to the curb by now. But in fact, it was the exact opposite.

They introduced me to all of their friends and girlfriends and they all started to become friends with me.

When I told Cherry Valance about my situation with Dallas and how I have nothing, she took me to the mall and bought me a few new outfits.

Daniel even lets me stay at his place!

Maybe Socs aren't as bad as I thought!

Ponyboy's POV

"Should we be worried about Dallas? I haven't seen him in a week." I mumbled to Darry.

"He'll come around. Just give him some time. Breakups suck."

Just then, we heard the door open and all six of us looked over to see who it was. "Hey, guys." Dallas said.

"Hi, everyone." A female voice followed.

"You all know Sylvia." He said looking at the black haired girl next to him.

We all stared in shock. We all though Dally hated Sylvia.

And he did just get broken up with.

"Umm... we gotta get to work. Have fun guys." Darry muttered dragging Soda and Steve outta the house.

Dallas shrugged and sat on the couch with Sylvia on top of him while Johnny, Two-Bit and I just stood their awkwardly.

The three of us went down the street for some lunch while Dal and Sylvia stayed at home.

We walked back and they were still at it. We were all very uncomfortable and it was very obvious.

"Dal, wanna head to the DX? Say hi to the guys?" Johnny asked. He ignored us. "Dal? DALLAS!"

"What? Jesus Christ, man, what?" He asked, pushing Sylvia off him.

"Do you wanna go to the DX with us?" Two-Bit asked.

"Jesus Christ, I guess. Come on, Sylvia. We'll head back to my place later."

We all walked in front with Dallas and Sylvia behind us.

No wonder Tessa left us.

Tessa's POV

"Come on, let's go mess with your old friends." Daniel said grabbing his eyes.

"Whaddya mean?" I asked.

"Those two work at that gas station right? We'll just go say hi."

"You aren't gonna hurt them, though. Right?"

"Nah, not this time." He said.

Jennifer, Hunter, Daniel, Lola, and i all got in his car and we started driving to the DX.

Daniel drove and I was next to him with Hunter on the other side of me. Lola and Jennifer sat in the back.

We drove up and we were yelling and laughing all the way up there.

We pull up and all the guys were there except Darry.

I also couldn't help but notice Sylvia wrapped in Dallas' arms. I tried not to let it bother me as much as it really did.

"Hey, greasers." Hunter said.

Nobody responded.

"You gonna fill my car up or what?" Daniel asked with a snotty tone.

I grinned slightly.

We all continued our talk and Hunter slid his hand up my thigh. I squealed and he laughed.

"Ugh, you pig." I said kicking him.

"Really, man?" Daniel asked.

"Just messing around." He said, leaning back.

"Tessa, you wanna switch spots?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes." I said shoving Hunter outta the car so I could move to the back.

Jennifer climbed up front and I slammed the passenger door shut.

I went to go to the back seat before I noticed Sylvia's missing earring.

I stopped slowly and Dallas rolled his eyes. But I wasn't focused on him. I was focused on her.

"You're missing an earring." I said dully.

She raised an eyebrow and felt both of her ears. "Oh! Yeah, I guess I am." She said with a laugh.

I dug for the earring I luckily kept in my pocket. Once I got it, I tossed it towards her and she caught it between her two hands.

"I found that in my bed a couple weeks ago." I muttered, still keeping my straight face, but glaring and Dallas briefly.

He backed up away from her and looked at the earring.

"Ooh! Damn! That's low even for a greaser!" Daniel yelled at him.

I got in the back and pretended like it still didn't bother me.

"Just go, Daniel. They aren't worth our time, anyway."

"Wait, a few weeks ago..." Dallas started. But Daniel took off before he could finish his thoughts.

"Sorry, Teresa..." Lola muttered.

"Whatever. I'm free from him now anyway..."

Ponyboy's POV

Sylvia's face got bright red and Dallas stared at her like she was a ghost.

"Well... maybe you were right." I whispered to Steve.

"Guys, you gotta believe me. I don't know how-" Dallas started as he pushed Sylvia to the side.

"Whaddya mean, Dally? I was there. It's my earring."


"Look, Teresa doesn't matter anymore. It's you and me. Who cares what she thinks."

I could tell Dallas wasn't done with what he was saying. But I guess it didn't matter.

Teresa was gone.

Dallas cheated on her.

It seemed obvious but the way those two were acting back at my place, but it being confirmed makes it even worse.

It makes me wonder how many more problems Teresa and Dallas had that we just never noticed or overlooked.

I wish I listened to her more often when she talked about their relationship.

Maybe I could have helped her.

But I guess I should probably stop figuring out ways I could have kept Teresa from leaving.

Cause she's not coming back.

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