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Tessa's POV

After I was done dancing around with Daniel I made an excuse that I had to use the bathroom.

I didn't really, but it was kinda overwhelming. I wanted to take a break. I went to the far bathroom down the hall so nobody would see me.

I took a breath and walked out of the bathroom. To my surprise, I heard a moan from the hallway.

I was tempted to turn around the corner and see who it was. It was a girl who was definitely making out with someone.

My curiosity took the best of me.

I turned the corner and I saw none other than Sylvia herself making out with a guy.

I gasped quickly before covering my mouth. The two looked at me. Sylvia fixed her dress and stumbled away from him.

"H-he put himself on me!"

"What! No I didn't!" He yelled back.

Anyone with eyes could tell she enjoyed it.

"Uhh... umm... don't tell Dallas. Please." She begged running up to me.

"Umm... don't worry. If he's meant to find out, he'll find out." I said.

I left it at that.

I walked back down the hallway and I ran into Daniel. "You ok? You've been gone a while."

"Y-yeah. I went to the far bathroom. I just needed a break. I'm not used to being that... what's the word... into things." I said with a laugh.

"Y'know, whaddya say we ditch this place. I'll take ya to get ice cream downtown."

I smiled. "It's a date."

He put his arm out for me and I linked mine through his as we walked out of the school.

Dallas' POV

"Sylvia should have been here by now." I drawled.

"Y'know, Dal, I don't think I'll ever understand your logic." Johnny said when it was just the two of us and Ponyboy went off to his date.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, obviously you're upset over Tessa. So you get with Sylvia. Then one second your acting
like you are in love with Sylvia, but if someone dares to mention Tessa, you flip and turn around. I don't understand."

"I'm done with Tessa. Ok? She made it clear she has a new boy toy and wants nothing to do with me. So I can do the same. I'm going to see if Sylvia's here. You can come with me or stay here. Your choice."

He rolled his eyes. Even in the dark I could see it. "I'll come with ya."

We walked down the halls and we heard two people making out around the corner.

"I'm stopping here. I don't wanna see that." Johnny mumbled.

"Well, maybe Sylvia's down here." I said.

I turned the corner and I was certainly right. Sylvia was down here. I stopped in my tracks and Johnny stood next to me.

"Jesus..." He mumbled.

Sylvia screamed when she saw me. "Dally! Oh my God! I-I swear, it's not what it looks like!"

"Jesus Christ... you've gotta be kidding me." I mumbled.

"Fuck! Tessa told me she wasn't gonna tell you!" She screamed.

"Tessa? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Here we go..." Johnny uttered.

"She caught me and him. She said something about if you were gonna catch us it was meant to be? Fuck! I don't know! But, Dally, please forgive me. I promise it was just a little mistake."

"Wait, Tessa saw you? And she knew it was you?"

"Yeah..." She said with a sorrowful look.

"Well, so much for making her jealous." I said, rolling my eyes. "Come on, Johnny. Let's go."

"Wait, Dally. Come on. We can talk about this!" She yelled.

"Yeah, this is over. Ok? We aren't together. Got it?"

She stared at me like I was crazy, but I really meant it.

We were done.

Tessa wasn't jealous.

Plan failed.

Tessa's POV

Daniel and I went out for a nice ice cream dish and my mind was completely removed from tonight.

I had an amazing time with just the two of us.

I could get used to this kinda life.


The school year came to an end and months went by without seeing any of the greasers. I don't know what happened between Sylvia and Dallas and I don't think I ever wanna know.

There was supposed to be a rumble back in July, but the seven never showed. The guys who did show up ended up forfeiting before it even started. We all went out and celebrated after.

Then we had another rumble in September. The seven still didn't show up, but the other guys had enough people to fight us.

We still won.

But that brings us to now.

Daniel and I have been on multiple dates, but we never made anything official. I just don't think I'm ready to date yet. Don't get me wrong, he's a sweet guy, but maybe in the future.

We were all hanging out at Ben's house. Cherry, Marcia, Randy, Bob, Daniel, David, Hunter, Lola, Jennifer, and I.

Just enjoying a chilly October night.

I started to realize that hanging with the Socs isn't as fun as it seems. Don't get me wrong, I'm still friends with them, but I wish I was with the greasers still.

"Hey, everyone!" Jonah yelled, running through the door. "Looks like we've got ourselves a rumble on Friday!"

All the guys started screaming and yelling and the girls just kinda laughed at their shenanigans.

"Those greasers are gonna be there. First time since Tessa left them." Jonas continued.

I laughed. "Well, then it looks like we'll have to step up our game."

Throughout the next week, we were all preparing and getting ready for the rumble. It was a little nervous to go into this. I mean, seeing them all again? It's gonna be weird.

But it's Friday afternoon. School just got out. We're all chillin' in the parking lot. Bob is trying to show off his weight lifting.

But as time progressed, I got more and more nervous.

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