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Tessa's POV

Dallas looked around at the car and seemed unsure of what to do. "Dallas, you need to turn the car on."

"I know that. Just- give me a second." I laughed and leaned back in my seat.

I waited a few more seconds and continued with my banter. "Alright. Come on. Just give me the keys and just admit you're wrong."

Dallas pressed the gas and we went flying forward. I was grateful we didn't hit anything.

"Jesus Christ, you're gonna get us killed!" I screamed.

"But I'm driving." Dallas said with a cocky grin.

I buckled my seat belt and gripped the handle as Dallas turned onto the road.

"Relax, this is great! I told you I'm a good driver." He said with a grin.

"Mhmm. Ok. I think it's time to go back now. I didn't think you'd actually do it."

"Oh, we aren't done yet."

Dally pulled over and got into. "Dallas, we have to return the car." I said, keeping put.

"We will. But you get to drive it back."

"What!" I yelled.

"Yep. Switch." He said opening the passenger door.

"No way. I-I don't think it's a good idea."

"Come on, I'll teach ya."

"You aren't giving this up, are ya?"

"Nope. Move it." Dallas said, shoving me to the drivers side.

I glared at him and back at the steering wheel. I looked around and at least we stopped on a clear road and not some busy, downtown road.

I slowly crept out of the spot and drove a bit.

"Teresa, go the speed limit!" Dallas yelled.

I pushed down a bit harder and we went way quicker than I intended.

I hit the breaks and we stopped much quicker than I expected to.

"You're awful at this." Dallas said grinning.

"Gee, I wonder why."

I drove us back to the parking garage and I parked in the back corner. "This isn't anywhere near where we pulled out of."

"If you think I'm gonna park in a cramped space and not hit something, you're crazy. Right here is fine and let's just hope whoever guys car it is this time thinks he's going crazy when he comes to look for it."

Dallas laughed and we returned the key back to the drawer. I saw Kaley's door open which meant she wasn't here and I didn't hear anything coming from moms room, which was likely a sign she was passed out.

So Dally and I sat on the couch and watched TV.

We laughed at each other and went back to how it was. It was perfect.

Until I messed it up.

We were right next to each other and the eye contact was unbearable. I just wanted to get it out of the way. Show him I actually feel the same way he does. I pressed my lips against his and we stayed in a make out session for what seemed like forever.

I never wanted it to end.

We both eventually stopped and just stared at each other. I finally spoke up. "I know I probably shouldn't have done it, but I'd do it again, to be honest."

"So we're on the same page here?" Dallas asked. I let out a small laugh and we went back to it.

Shortly after that, Dallas and I put a label on it. It was awkward at first, but we did it.


"You're kidding, right?" I asked. "Please tell me this is a joke."

"It's not. Come on, doll. This is awesome!"

"Dallas, I can't drive. What makes you think I can ride a motorcycle?"

"You've driven before."

"Barely. And it's still illegal." 

Let me fill you in. I just turned fifteen and so did Dallas. Kaley moved out, moms still a borderline psychopath, and Dallas and I are still together.

And now he's trying to get me to get on a motorcycle.


He cut me off. "Look, if we're ever gonna get outta here, we gotta learn to drive."

"Why can't you just drive me around everywhere!" I said in a whiny voice.

"Tess, you'll be fine, I promise."

"But you can't keep that promise. Look, I'm gonna head home, alright? We'll talk about this tomorrow."

"Fine. Tomorrow. Bye, Tessa."

"See ya, Dal."

I walked up the block and into the apartment. Mom was at the counter when I opened the door. She groaned when she saw me. 

"Yeah, it's such a pleasure to see you, too." I muttered.

"What did you just say to me?" She asked.

"I-uh... nothing." I said quickly.

She hit me hard across the face and smashed her beer bottle to the ground. "I don't wanna hear another word out of you. Got it?" She asked.

I nodded and went to my room before I started crying in front of her.

I closed the door and put my hand over my mouth to stop any noise that was bound to come out.

Dallas was right. I can't keep doing this. I want to get out of here. I'm so unbelievably miserable.

But now that I have the chance, it really hit me.

I grabbed my backpack and shoved all my money and as much clothes as I could fit in it.

I just had to hope Dallas was on board with this.

I went to bed and I was eager to get up and talk to Dallas; so, instead of trying to fall back asleep, I walked over to Dally's.

I knocked on the door and his dad opened it. "What the hell do you want?" He asked.

"I- I need to talk to Dallas." His dad always scared me. He made me nervous. He was like Dallas, but older and he didn't like me.

"Get him and get out then." He said, opening the door wider for me to come him.

"Thanks." I muttered.

I walked up to Dallas' door and opened it. I closed it softly behind me and went over to his bed to wake him up.

"Tessa? What are you doing here?" He asked after I nudged him.

"I'm ready to get outta here. You're right. You were right all along."

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