i'm not fighting

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Tessa's POV

"How much can you lift?" Bob asked Randy.

"More than you." He said, messing with him.

"Prove it."

Bob handed Randy the biggest weights he had with him. Randy lifted them up with only a small struggle and dropped them to the ground.

"What about you Tessa? What can you lift?" David asked.

"Probably not much. My upper body strength isn't as good as my lower body."

"Here, try it." Ben said. He picked up one of the heavier weights and threw it at me. I panicked and tried to grab them, but it fell on my foot.

I let out a scream and collapsed to the ground.

"Jesus, Ben! We've got a rumble tonight! What the hell were you thinking?" Daniel yelled.

"You need to go to a hospital. My mom's working tonight. She's a nurse. Come on. Get in the car." Jennifer said helping me up.

"N-no, I'm fine." I stuttered.

"Come on." Randy continued.

We drove to the hospital and my foot was in a lot of pain. But I'll be fine. I gotta be fine. The rumble's tonight.

I limped inside and Jennifer got her mom to give me an x-ray. It was a little creepy at first, but it went by quickly after that.

"Well, your foot seems to be fine. Just bruised." She said looking at the sheet.

"Oh! That's great!"

"But you broke three of your toes."


"It's your middle three. Your balance is gonna be off. I would avoid walking on them, as it can prolong your injury. Only when necessary, if possible."

"Alright. Thank you."

I walked out of the room with a limp in my step and everyone waited for me to say what happened.

"Well?" Bob asked.

"My foots fine. But I have three broken toes." I said crossing my arms.

They all groaned. "Good going, Ben!" Daniel yelled.

"I-I didn't mean to!"

"Fuck, come on. Let's get outta here." Randy said.

We all crammed in his car and drove back to David's house. "Well, practice walking 'cause your fighting in that rumble tonight." Bob scolded.

"I can't. Jennifer's mom told me not to. I'm not fighting."

"Bullshit. I don't care. It's just your toes. It's not a big deal. You're gonna win us that rumble tonight, got it?"

I sat there in awe. "I-I can't! It hurts!"

"People get hurt in rumbles. Get used to it."

I scoffed and slumped back. I knew there was no use in arguing with him. It's Bob. He always gets what he wants.

The night went by and we all got in cars and waited around the block to arrive fashionably late.


And I was nervous.

Not just because of seeing the greasers now.

But because it hurts to walk.


We drove over there and lined up. I hoped I had looked tough, but I knew I didn't. I looked vulnerable. I felt vulnerable, too.

It started sprinkling just before it started. I knew that meant there would be rain during it.

I think Daniel threw the first punch and I trailed behind Ben. I've gotten away from lingering behind him, but I needed it.

He took someone from Shepherd's gang and then we moved onto Ponyboy and Johnny. I had Ponyboy and he had Johnny.

It was a decent fight. But then Ponyboy stepped on my toes and I tripped and fell to the ground in pain and agony.

I tried to keep fighting, but he got me. And without my help, Ponyboy and Johnny both got Ben and he was done.

I tried to stand up, but my foot hurt so bad. More than before. Ben grabbed my hands and pulled me up and we booked it back to the car.

We waited there like losers. I was embarrassed. I couldn't believe myself.

We peaked up and walked back onto the field and saw the Socs run back.

We lost.

We lost badly.

The greasers were all up and jumping having a great time, but I knew I was in trouble.

"Tessa! Are you fucking kidding me!" Bob yelled.

"I told you I couldn't fight!"

"Bullshit. It's just a few toes." Randy said, over Bob's shoulder.

I had nothing to say. Maybe they we're right.

"I'm sick of this. Don't bother talking to us. They all changed their strategies and you couldn't even take one kid."

He got closer to me and I kept backing up until he shoved me backwards. I hit the ground and mud splashed up at me.

Bob got closer and whispered, "Filthy rat."

I backed up so he couldn't hurt me, but I hit a tree. He pulled out a blade and put it under my chin.

"Please..." I begged.

He swiped it up and sliced my cheek. I held my face with my hand and he spit on me.

"You'll always just be a damn greaser!"

Daniel looked at me, but didn't hesitate to go with them.

I looked up and waited for them to leave before i sulked by myself.

I pulled my hand away from my cheek to see the blood rush down. I don't know why they even had a blade. It was a fair fight. No weapons.

When they were gone I let tears drip down my face. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried silently.

Ponyboy's POV

"That was harsh. Even for them." Sodapop mumbled.

"She deserved it." Dallas uttered.

"Dallas, knock it off." Steve whispered.

I think we all still blamed Dallas for her leaving us in the first place. As time went on, more and more came out and we realized she had no reason to stick around as long as she did.

"She was our friend. And she obviously needs someone right now. Her little rich 'friends' just ditched her." Johnny continued.

"They used her. They weren't her friends." Darry mumbled.

"Y'know, I'm just gonna go over and see if she's ok. Let her come back to our house."

Nobody opposed. Not even Dally.

I think we all missed her more than we let on.

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