ruin my life

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Tessa's POV

"Teresa! Get back here!" He yelled following me.

"Dallas, I have twenty minutes to leave before I miss the train."

"Tessa, we can talk this out! I wanna talk about this!"

"I don't care. I truly don't."

"Teresa! Come on! You were really just gonna leave without saying anything?"

"Yes, I was. Because I knew you'd be upset."

"I am upset! Teresa, come on. How am I supposed to just forget you ever existed and move on with my life."

"That's not for me to figure out." I said stopping and facing him.

"So that's it? You're just gonna so easily move on and forget everything that's happened? Almost eight years just gone?"

"Why not? That's what you did? You think Ponyboy didn't tell me about your little make out session with Sylvia a week after we broke up? For Christ's sake, Dallas, I found her earring in our bed! You moved on during our relationship!"

"Teresa, I swear to God, I don't know how that got there."

"Oh, bullshit! Leave me alone!" I yelled. He grabbed my backpack off my shoulder and threw it to the ground. "Dallas!" I yelled.

"You aren't completely innocent in all this either, y'know!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah? What did I do besides not tell you a secret? And for your information, Daniel and I never did anything. Happy now?"

"Don't think I forgot about your little comment after the rumble we took you back. How you told Ponyboy you'd go farther than he could even know? Or some shit like that?"

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"He asked if you would go back to before the rumble or before you left us. You said you'd go back farther than he knew." He said confidently. "You wanna go back to before we met, huh?"

"I meant I'd go back to before we left for this damn town! Before I saw that shit in your bike!" When we were still running around New York. Don't assume shit!" I yelled.

I stopped for a moment and gave him a laugh. "You know, I thought of other ways to get you to stop. I was gonna do it too. See how you like seeing someone you care about do something like that, but God dammit, you would have snapped my arm in half if you caught me doing that shit."

"Damn right, I would have."

"Now that we have that straight, I'm leaving." I said walking towards my bag he threw on the floor. He ran up to it and dumped everything out. "Dallas!" I screamed. "Why can't you just let me go?" I yelled. "You said we were friends! If we were friends you would be happy for me! Happy that I'm finally doing what I want!" I yelled with my voice cracking every other word.

"Teresa, come on. Get back inside." He called out as I put the rest on my stuff in the bag.

"No! I'm leaving!"

"Tessa, I wanna talk to you."

"What's left to say? I have to go."

"A lot! Tessa, please." He begged.

I sighed. He looked like he genuinely was upset and wanted to talk to me. "No."

I walked away.

"So we're gonna do this the hard way?" He asked.

"What?" I asked out of curiosity. I turned around and he grabbed my bag and bent down "what are you-"

He grabbed my legs and in one quick motion, threw me over his shoulders. I squealed and yelled at him. "Dally! Put me down! I need to get on that train."

"Not tonight you aren't."

I tried kicking, but it was pointless. He did not care.

We walked in Bucks and he walked into a storage closet before setting me down. "Dammit, Dallas! Fuck you!" I screamed.

"I'll be back in, what, twenty minutes? That's what you said?"

"God dammit!" I yelled.

He slammed the door and I hit the old piece of wood just as it locked.

I started sobbing.

I couldn't believe I told him. I can't stand him!

I punched the door as hard as I could and nothing was working. I kicked it and punched it, but nothing was working.

I took one more hard swing to break the door a bit. I put my hand through the hole and unlocked the door.

I ran up to the clock on the wall by the door and watched the hands tick.


I missed it.

Why did he have to ruin my life?

I ran out the door in tears and down to the train station.

The counters were almost empty and I ran up to one of the workers. "What's the fastest way I can get to New York?" I asked through sobs.

"Umm... we just had one leave. The next straightaway isn't for three more weeks."

"Is there anything else?"

"Umm... on Friday was have a train leaving to Michigan which could get you to Missouri. Then you could get a train to New York there and be there by the 22nd."

It's too late.

I'll be eighteen.

I ran off in tears and ended up in a park down the street from Bucks.

I sunk down by a tree and cried for what seemed like an eternity.

I was stuck.

"Tessa..." Someone said walking next to me. I could recognize that thick New York accent from anywhere.

I just pulled my knees closer and kept my cries silent.

"Tessa, I'm sorry, but we need to talk."

"I am never talking to you EVER again. So how about you just head back to Bucks and go fuck yourself." I said standing up.

"Your knuckles are bleeding."

"I hope it kills me." I said. I knew it was a bit dramatic, but I walked away before he could say anything.

"Tessa, come on. Let's talk about this." He said grabbing my wrist.

I took a breath. "Let me make myself clear. Dallas, I never want to look at you, talk to you, or even be near you ever again. So leave me alone and go ruin someone else's life." I said softly just before walking away.

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