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Tessa's POV

We walked down the street and Dallas offered me a cigarette. I took it and puffed smoke out.

"Gonna be honest, thought you were gonna go with the Socs tonight."

"Seems to be the common assumption."

"Sorry for assuming the worst."

"Wow! Dallas Winston apologizing? That's crazy."

"Haha. Very funny."

I giggled. "Thanks for the apology."

"So what did you go to Daniel's house for today?" He asked.

I sighed. "Well..."

*Earlier that night*

"Can I come in?" I asked.

Daniel invited me inside. We had some friendly small talk first and I finally got to the poking.

"I need to ask you a favor." I muttered.

"What is it?"

I sighed. "I'm joining the greasers tonight for the rumble. I-I'm not a Soc." I said with a slight laugh. "I never have been and I never will be. It feels wrong to fight with you guys. A part of me doesn't even wanna fight at all, but I don't really get a choice with that."

"Wait, you wanna join the greasers? For good? Look, I know what Bob did was wrong, but-"

"It's not just Bob. This whole lifestyle isn't for me. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing, but I can't keep pretending to be someone I'm not. I like going to party's, getting drunk, listening to Elvis, making fun of your guys' pants." I said with a laugh. "I mean, before I moved here I didn't even know what a Soc was and now I feel like they're everything I hate. I can't keep doing it."

"So you're just walking out on us? On me?"

"Don't make this something it's not." I scolded.

"I'm sorry, Tessa. It's just unexpected."

"How unexpected could it be? Im miserable and I've been miserable for what seems like forever. So this might be a lot to ask, but can you just tell Bob and Randy I'll meet them at the rumble?"

He sighed. "I dunno, Tess..."

"Please, Daniel?" I begged. "I'm so sorry. I cant deny we've had something between us. So if you ever cared about me, please just do this one thing."

"Alright. I will. But you know this means that we probably won't be talking much after this."

I frowned. "I know. But it's for the best."

He sighed. We both stood up and he hugged me. "I'll let them know. Good luck, Tess."

"Thanks, Daniel."


"So you just asked him to cover for ya?" He asked. He sounded annoyed.

"Pretty much. It's not that big of a deal." I muttered.

"So you two had a thing?" He asked.

"Yeah. I mean, I dunno. I guess we did. We just went on a couple dates here and there. But that was kinda it..." I said. This just got awkward.

"Kinda? What's that mean?"

"It means the rest is none of your business." I said getting snippy.

"What do you mean? I thought we were friends!"

"Is that why you wanted to be friends? So you can learn all my secrets?"

"No. But friends don't keep secrets." He said extending the 'u' in but.

"Well, it's none of your business. I don't have to tell you everything." I said crossing my arms.

"You used to tell me everything! Whaddya mean?"

"What do I mean?" I stopped. "Dallas, I'm almost an adult. I don't have to tell you anything."

"When we lived in New York I'm pretty sure you had no secrets."

"Jesus, Dallas. I was ten! I had no secrets! Now I do. And not that it's a "secret," it's just none of your business! I don't ask about you and all the girls you've had!"

"Go ahead, ask." He retaliated.

"No, because I don't care! And neither should you!"

"Shouldn't friends care about each other?" He asked in a deeper voice trying to get me to crack.

"Yes they should. But as your ex-girlfriend, I don't care!" He rolled his eyes. "I'm done denying it! You and I can't pretend like we didn't date! We dated for three fucking years! Things just aren't gonna be the same!"

"Tessa..." He mumbled.

"No, don't give me your sympathetic whine. I don't care!" I yelled.

I walked away quickly from him and he followed. "Come on, doll. Let's talk about this."

"No, I'm done talking to you. Leave me alone."

"Oh yeah? Where ya gonna stay?" He asked.

"I'm going to get my shit from Bucks and I'm going to the Curtis'." I said with a yawn.

"Mhmm. Whatever you say."

I sped down the sidewalk to get away from him and hurry over to Bucks.

I slammed the door in Dally's face and walked upstairs.

"Wait! Tess, hold on. I need to get something." He said trying to get in front of me.

"I'm just getting my stuff and leaving. You can wait." I mumbled.

"No, you don't understand. I need to get something from the room."

"I'm just getting my shit and leaving! I don't care!" I yelled.

I ran up the stairs and Dallas got lost in the crowd of people leaving at Bucks.

I slammed the door and decided I was gonna change my clothes; so, I pushed the dresser in front of the door.

"Tessa, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm changing my clothes. Chill out. Then I'll be outta your hair."

"Tessa, I really need to get something."

"Give me two minutes! Oh my God!"

Dallas kept knocking and as soon as I got my pajamas on I noticed a floorboard lifted under where the dresser should be.

"Tessa! Come on! What's blocking the door?"

I lifted the floorboard and then I realized what Dallas was trying to hide. I gasped and stood up. I couldn't believe it.

"Tessa, I need you to open the door." He said trying to sound calmer.

I felt my heart sink. How could I have missed this?

The floor was filled with drugs of all kinds. Kinds I've never even heard of.

I collapsed to the floor and started crying.

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