run away

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Tessa's POV

I waited as Dallas flipped through the couple stations waiting for something good to turn on. Like anything was gonna come on soon.

Once he found something and he leaned forwards, I went to the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"I'm just getting food. Calm down."

But I wasn't just getting food. I crept through the hall, careful he wouldn't notice me and I snuck out through the back.

I closed the door gently behind me and walked down the grass.

I heard a bark next to me. I squealed when I saw the big German shepherd.

It kept barking at me. "Shh! Stop it!" I whisper-yelled.

It jumped up on me and I fell backwards. I laughed as it licked my cheek. The one that wasn't cut up.

"You really can't stay put, can ya?" Dallas asked.

I stood up and motioned for the dog to go away. "I was just going for a walk. I woulda come back." I said.

"Yeah, right. But fine. Let's go for a walk."

"I meant by myself."

"Not happenin', sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes and we started down the road. I just wanted to get as far away from the house as possible.

"Looks like they cut ya up real good." He said taking a drag on his cigarette.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. I'm an idiot. Can you leave me alone now?"

"Nope. Come on, let's head over to the DX. See if everyone's there."

I groaned and I made sure he knew I was miserable. But maybe that's what he wanted. To see me miserable.

We made it to the gas station and Ponyboy and Darry had just got there, too.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Sodapop asked.

"Just taking a walk around." Dallas said.

"Really? I'm surprised."

"Just doing my job." Dallas said.

Ponyboy looked at him. "What job?" A moment passed of him thinking and he realized. "Oh! Oh yeah. Umm... so... what's new with you guys?" He asked changing the subject.

That was weird.

Dallas' POV

I stood behind Tessa and told Ponyboy to go along with it. He told me to let Tessa go if she wants, but I didn't want her to go.

It was selfish. I know it was.

But I didn't care.

After everything that has happened, I didn't care anymore.

Tessa's POV

The guys all talked for a bit and I kinda stood at the side. It was awful.

"Tessa, why were ya limping yesterday? Did Ponyboy do something to ya?" Johnny asked.

Everyone laughed and Ponyboy got red. "Nope. I broke a couple of toes. If I hadn't I would have killed your guys last night."

"Mhmm, I'm sure." Steve said playfully.

"Why'd ya fight if you couldn't walk?"

I rolled me eyes as I told the story again.

As I finished it up, I heard an engine cone from behind me.

"Oh boy..." I muttered.

"Tessa! Can we talk?" Bob yelled. I crossed my arms and faced him. "Look, I got this sick new bike. Hop on and we can get outta here away from this trash."

I looked at the guys. He walked past me and grabbed the keys out of his pocket and hid them in my bra.

"Who ya calling trash?" Two-Bit yelled.

"Who do ya think?" He asked laughing.

"We beat you guys yesterday. Now get out." Darry said stepping in front of Ponyboy.

"I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk to Tessie." I rolled my eyes. I hated when people called me that. It reminded me of mom when she wanted something or needed to get out of something. "Whaddya say, Tess. Come back with us? You know Socs have more fun."

I looked at Bob and the rest of the guys. I know they'd be disappointed if I went with Bob. But I knew what was right.

"Sorry, guys. But Bob's right! Socs do have more fun." I said laughing and glaring at him.

Ponyboy gave me a disappointed look along with the rest of them.

"So ya got a new bike? That's awesome."

"Yep. Get on back. I'll drive ya around."

I laughed. "Can I sit on it? Real quickly? Y'know, I haven't been on a bike since the accident."

"Yeah, go ahead. But hurry up. I don't wanna be hear any longer." He said as he glared at the guys.

I grinned and sat on it. "Oh no! Bob, I dropped my ring. Can you get it for me?" I asked pointing to a random spot on the ground.

"What? Where?" He asked looking the opposite way.

I uncrossed my arms and the key dropped out of my shirt. I quickly turned the bike on and I drove forward a bit.

I turned around and faced the guys. "I'll be back in ten." I said with a sarcastic wink at Bob.

The guys all laughed and Bob clenched his fists. I laughed as I zoomed off on the bike.

I never felt more free.

I missed this.

I missed the thrill of having wind blown in my face without a care in the world about anything else.

It was an escape.

And escape from reality.

I wished I could escape.

Leave again.

Run away.

Maybe that's my best bet. Run away. Leave everything behind.

What I would kill to do that.

But I may have just fucked everything up enough down here that I have that possibility.

Ponyboy's POV

"Well, she had me fooled." Steve said leaning on the gas pump.

"I think she got us all." I muttered. We all looked at Bob and laughed.

"That's it. I've had enough with you greasers. Get ready for another rumble. Tessa is gonna be on our side and we're gonna kick your butts."

"What? No way!" Two-Bit yelled.

"Best believe it. I'll see ya in a couple weeks." He said.

Just then, Tessa rounded the corner and mud splashed up against Bob and Darry.

She laughed as she got up. "We should do this again sometime."

She tossed him the keys and he snatched them back from her and quickly got on the bike and drove off.

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" She asked.

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