clinton, kentucky

730 5 2

Tessa's POV

"What? It's seven in the morning. What are you talking about?"

"I don't know. It just hit me last night." I said sitting on the edge of his bed. "I wanna get out of here. I know you've always talked about wanting to leave New York for a reason. Now's our chance! We have those bikes and we can just drive until we feel like stopping."

"Teresa, are you being serious?" Dallas asked sitting up.

"Yes. I can't stay here anymore. I'm miserable. Let's get outta here. I'll learn to drive that motorcycle and we can leave. Please?" I begged.

"You don't have to ask me twice. Let's go teach you how to drive." Dallas said getting up.

I laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

We went back to the alley where he kept the bikes. "How did you get these, anyway?" I asked.

"Found 'em for cheap. Only hundred bucks for both of them."

"Who was dumb enough to give you these for a hundred bucks? And where did you get that kinda money?"

"Some girls boyfriend was two timing her and she was getting back at him by selling them. Took a hundred bucks from my old man without him knowing. Took five dollars a day for twenty days. The guy was so drunk he didn't see it coming."

I laughed. "I mean, I guess we got lucky then."

"Hell yeah we did. Now get on." He said sitting on one of the bikes. I nervously sat behind him as he turned it on. "Just watch what I'm doing and try to retain some information."

Dallas really has gotten to be a better driver. I trust him a lot more now than I did two years ago.

We drove around the city and I tried to watch his movements.

It was harder than it seems.

We pulled back into the alleyway and I got off.

"Alright. Got it?"

I stared at him dead in the eye. "No, but I guess I'll figure it out."

The rest of our day was spent teaching me to drive. We skipped eating all day and I was starving.

"Alright. You're a lot better than when you started, we haven't gotten caught, and you didn't crash. You're doing great."

I laughed. "Can we please go eat now?" I asked with a fake smile.

"Alright. But you gotta drive there."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

We got on the motorcycles and made our way through the city and over to our favorite diner we always go to.

"Hey, you two. Your usual?" The waitress asked. We both nodded and she went to get our food.

"Alright. When is the soonest we can get outta here?" I asked.


"Tomorrow! Wow, that's real soon. You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean, how much longer do you wanna wait? I know you already packed as much as you could. I just gotta pack and we can get goin'. We'll just drive until we feel like stopping."

Wow. He really was up for this. "Alright. Tomorrow. We're leaving the state right?"

"We'll go as far as you want. Deal?"

"Deal." I said with a smile.

We spent the rest of the night laughing and enjoying ourselves. Just like we always did. No worries. No pain. Just having a good time.

We ate and paid before we started our way back go our apartments for the last time.

"Alright. Tomorrow, meet here at 4 AM. Get some sleep and we'll be on our way." Dallas said.

"4 AM. Got it. Goodness, I don't know how I'm supposed to sleep. This is awesome!" I said with a smile. "I'll see ya tomorrow."

"Bye, Tess."

I walked home with a smile plastered on my face and set my alarm for 3:30. I packed a few more essential things I could fit in my bag before falling asleep.

The loud ring woke me up and I was ready to get going. My backpack was heavier than I anticipated, but I can't leave any of this stuff behind.

I walked to the alley behind Dally's apartment building where he kept the bikes and waited for him.

I put my bag in the compartment behind the seat as I saw him sneak through the darkness.

"Alright. You're gonna be ok driving at night, right?" Dallas asked.

"I- uhh... I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to see." I said with a grin.

"Ok. Don't get too cocky. I don't want you getting yourself in a crash. Ok?"

"Ok, dad." I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious. Be careful."

"I will be. I promise." I said putting my hands up in surrender.

He threw his bag in the compartment and started it up. We went and got a full tank of gas and we were on our way to start the rest of our lives.

I wasn't sure how long we were driving, but it seemed like forever. But I wasn't done yet. I wasn't far enough.

When the sun got to the middle of the sky we pulled over to get gas. "Is there anything to eat near here?" I asked looking around.

"No, doesn't seem like it. There's a store over there we can stop to get something from."

We walked over to it and I bought a salad and Dallas got a sandwich. We ate it on the side of the road and took a break from the road.

We picked back up for a few more hours and the sun finally started to set as it got darker.

I saw Dallas speed in front of me and pull off to the side and I followed. We pulled off and there was almost nothing here.

"Where are we at?" I asked

"I'm not sure. But do you wanna stop here?"

"I dunno. There's not much here." I muttered.

He looked around too. "Look. There's a building up ahead. Let's head over there."

We drove up a bit and stopped when we pulled to the front. It was a motel.

"Alright. We have three options. Keep driving, stay here for the night, or settle down wherever we are."

"I guess we'll go with the second idea. I am getting a little tired and I don't really wanna stay in a town where there's absolutely nothing going on."

We parked and walked inside. "Hey, you two. How can I help ya?" The guy asked.

"We just need to stay one night." Dallas said. He paid up front and handed us a key.

"Can I ask where we are?"

"You're in Clinton, Kentucky!

I sighed. "Thanks."

We walked outside to get to our room and we sat down on the small bed when we get inside.

"When we wake up, we'll start driving again. Unless you don't wanna quite yet." Dallas said.

"I just wanna get to a final destination. I feel like we haven't passed one decent town since we started." I said rolling over on my side and falling asleep.

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