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Tessa's POV

"Tessa. Tess. Tessa!"

I groaned as Dallas got me to wake up. "Huh?"

"It's time to get going. It's already six o'clock." He said.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes before we continued our drive.

We got gas and kept it going.

"Dallas!" I yelled as I pulled up next to him, hoping he could hear me. "Pull over here!" I yelled.

I think he got the memo.

We went up another exit and pulled to the side. "Look, it's an actual city." I said.

"Do you wanna stop here?"

"If it's alright with you."

"Darlin', I'm fine with wherever."

"Then, yeah. Let's get off here. Check it out a bit."

We pulled over to the side and parked in a old lot down the road.

"Did you see any signs saying where we are?" I asked.

"Nah, but we'll ask around." He said.

We made our way through the city and my backpack was starting to get real heavy.

"It's a nice city. There's not as many people. I like it. Now we just gotta find out where we are and a place to stay." I said.

"Alright. You sure?"

"Positive. I think this was a good idea." I said with a grin.

"Help!" Someone yelled.

I looked at Dallas. "Did you hear that?"

"Shit, let's go check it out."

We turned the corner and followed the footsteps and we saw some kid getting beat up by some rich kids.

"Are we gonna...?"

"Let's do it." I said throwing my backpack down.

It was only two of those rich kids. We could take them.

I came up behind them and punched one from behind and Dallas took the other. The kid backed up and held his cheek with his hand.

The one I was on took a switch blade and sliced my arm. I let out a groan and used it against him. I got ahold of his arm and bent it behind his back.

Dallas knocked the other guy in the jaw and he ran off. Once he saw his buddy take off, he booked it.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked offering my hand to help him up.

"Yeah, he just bruised my face. I'll be ok. What about your arm?" He asked.

I looked at it and I saw blood drip down it. "Shit..." I mumbled.

I held my hand to my arm to stop it from bleeding out. "Here, let's go find something to help it." Dallas said quickly.

"I'll be fine." I said.

"Tess, come on. Knock it off."

"Come back to my house. My mom has stuff to help ya out. She's a nurse."

We both looked at each other and agreed to go with the kid. I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder as I kept my hand pressed against my arm.

"I haven't seen you guys around before." The kid said. "I'm Ponyboy."

I raised an eyebrow. "Teresa. But most people call me Tessa. We just got here."

"Dallas." He said skeptically.

"How old are you guys?"

"Fifteen." We said in sync.

"Oh. My older brother is fourteen. I have another brother who's eighteen."

"What town are we in?" I asked, kinda outta nowhere.

"Tulsa. Here, my house is just up ahead."

I looked at Dally. "Where is Tulsa?"

"Beats me."

We walked up to the door and Ponyboy walked in first. "Ma!" He yelled.

"Back so soon?" A woman called out. "Oh! Goodness! I didn't expect anyone over today."

"I invited them back. She got beat by a Soc." He said pointing to my arm.

I moved my hand away and she saw blood drop down. "Here, come sit over here." She said with a shocked look on her face.

She grabbed a few things and I sat over at the table with Dallas across from me.

"Well, this isn't shaping out so well." He whispered.

"I know. And it's only day one." I whispered back.

"Hi. I'm Sodapop. Who are you guys?" A kid asked sitting next to us.

What is with these names. "I'm Teresa. That's Dallas."

"You guys knew to town?"

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Everyone knows everyone here. It's rare when I see someone new." He said.

"Hi, I'm Darrel. Ignore him." The other kid said pushing him away.

Finally, someone with a normal name around here.

"Here, let's clean this up." His mom said. She grabbed my arm and put some liquid on it. I bit down and groaned at the pain. She put a large bandage around it and wrapped it up.

"What were you two doing messing with those Socials anyway?"

"Socials?" We both asked.

"Look," Dallas started, "I dunno where we are and what a Social is, but we were saving your kids life from being stabbed by one of those rich boys."

The mom raised an eyebrow. "You two must not be from Oklahoma."

So that's where we are. "We're from New York."

"Where are your parents? Are you two siblings?"

I looked at Dallas and scrunched my nose up. "We better get going. Thanks for the help." I said quickly as I picked my bag up.

"Hold up." She said. "Not so fast. Somethings not adding up."

I looked at Dally. "I'm just gonna tell her." I muttered. He rolled his eyes. "We ran away. We got motorcycles and just rode down as far as we felt like going. I can give you my house number, but I doubt anyone's gonna answer."

"How old are you two?"


"Eighteen." Dallas said at the same time as me.

I rolled my eyes. "We're fifteen, but I've been on my own as long as I can remember. I'm not in any danger right now. I'll be fine."

She sighed. "Do you two have anywhere to stay?"

"No..." I muttered.

She turned around without saying anything and went into the room around the corner.

"She's probably going to talk to our dad." Darrel said. "Sorry 'bout all this."

"It's alright." I muttered.

"No, it's not. You know how much trouble we'll be in if she says anything? Come on, Tess. Let's get outta here." He said.

"Dal, wait. Hang on. She might help."

"I'm not taking that chance. I'll be waiting in that lot for you to come to your senses."

He opened the door and slammed it shut.


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