Chapter 2: Change Sucks

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   It was a fairly quiet evening inside The Red Pony. Vale sat up on the barstool with a soda in her hand, staring absentmindedly at nothing in particular. Henry Standing Bear stood on the inside of the bar, assessing her face. "I have complete confidence in your abilities. I see no reason why either you or Walt or myself should worry about your new situation. From what I hear, the chief of police in Forks is a decent man; I have no reason to think you should not be treated fairly." 

"It's not my lack of confidence, Henry." The American Indian set down the clear glass he had been polishing and placed both hands on the bar. His kind brown eyes encouraging her to go on. She tilted her head slightly to one side. Henry knew this to be her natural position when she was thinking deeply. Her eyes shone their forest green hue in the dim natural lighting of the bar.

"I keep asking myself what I really want out of life. I could do anything, really. I know how to get what I want when I know what it is that I want... but I don't want a career job for the rest of my life..." Henry nodded, understandingly. "Yes, life gets pretty lonely when you get to me about my age and you have no family. Thankfully, I have you and Walt and Cady as my own little 'family'." He smiled. 

"That's what I mean, Henry. I'm moving away from the only real family that I have ever known. I feel like I'm actually moving away from my goal... but I guess every bird has to leave the nest and start on their own." She finished. "Vale," Henry began, "you are quite possibly the strongest human being I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You are a strong-minded young woman with more common sense and sheer grit than most people your age. Most people are making excuses for their poor choices and running away from challenges and problems that they will ultimately have to face whether they like it or not. But not you. You turn right around and face your monsters head-on. I expect nothing less from you than greatness." 

She gazed softly into his eyes. "Come visit me in Forks, will you?" she smiled. "I will, and I will do you one better. My Niece and Nephew live near Forks, on the LaPush reservation." He handed her a slip of paper with the address, with the names "Leah and Seth Clearwater" scrawled on it. "Will you visit them sometime? I've already told them you were coming." "Of course Henry, anything for you."


It was too sunny to go to school today, so Alice and Jasper sat in her room, with a game set out before them. Her head suddenly shot up and her eyes held a glazed look. Jasper waited patiently for her to finish her vision. She blinked, and bit her lip.

Jasper furrowed his brow. "Nervousness? Why was she nervous?  Bad news?" Alice opened her mouth, then closed it again. She swallowed, then whispered into Jasper's ear, to prevent any other vampiric hearing from overhearing them. "Carlisle's mate is headed to Forks." Jasper started. Carlisle had been trudging on valiantly for too long on his own, he was sure of that, but he hadn't been expecting this. Alice bit her lip again, watching his expression. "When?" he whispered. "She will be in Forks by next week, but I don't foresee them meeting until a few months from now." She whispered back. "We should wait to tell Carlisle... or anyone for that matter... we can't exactly hide it from Edward, but he won't say anything. Is she human?"  Alice nodded, "For now, she is." "Carlisle has never been tested like this before. The powerful attraction of the mate-bond is stronger than he realizes, having never had one before... We don't want to get his hopes up now in case something changes, but he does need to be prepared at some point." "Agreed." 

The couple sat thoughtfully together in silence for a moment. "What it she like?" Jasper asked, curiously. Alice smiled, "She's very wise and clever, incredibly strong-minded. Sigma personality type. She's got really large pretty hazel eyes that change in the light and short light brown hair, in a style similar to mine. She's short and toned, but not overly muscular. She seems to understand people in a way I can't describe, not overly emotional or shy, just reserved and observant. Did I mention she's a cop?" Jasper seemed surprised. "A cop? Not what I expected, but I'll bet Carlisle will dig the handcuffs..." Alice rolled her eyes and slapped her mate's arm, reprovingly, shushing him. 

All in all, the two of them (and later Edward, who took his time reading Alice's mental replay of her vision and thinking it over) thought that this young woman coming into their lives would indeed become a wonderful mother to them all, and a perfect complementary companion to Carlisle, who definitely deserved it. 

Alice just hoped that the obstacles facing the couple would be overcome for the beautiful future that they all hoped for would come true....

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