Chapter 27: Choices

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Thus began the first series of the best days of Vale's life.

Thus also began the beginning of the end of her life.

She and Carlisle grew into the habit of taking afternoon walks in the woods around the Cullen's house. They never strayed too far, in case those other vampires were nearby, but those walks and the words passed between them during that time became crucial to their relationship. They found that they had a lot in common: They shared values and moral convictions. Carlisle was thrilled to find a woman who wanted to save herself for him until their wedding night. It was a long time since Carlisle had seen this as a cultural norm, and he found it incredibly attractive. It spurred him on to win her heart and mind first; he knew it would make their physical relationship all the sweeter.

Vale never felt pressured by Carlisle into anything she wasn't comfortable with. She knew how delicate his restraint was around her. That bruise on her throat the morning after he had brought her home was still faintly visible (not that she minded very much,) and it served as a reminder for her to be careful. 

They sat together on a large stone, quietly listening to the woodland sounds around them. Vale broke the silence. "Have I told you about the time I killed a man?" Carlisle blinked at her. "In your line of work, I assume?" "No." She paused for a moment. "I was 16 years old. Chance still had me prisoner..."

"Get up." 

Vale felt the covers of the thin sheet ripped off of her. She had fallen asleep after Nick had... finished with her. Chance Gilbert didn't care what happened to her or what kind of life his son was living, so long as he remained ultimately loyal to him. 

Vale certainly wasn't loyal. She had already tried to run away 3 months before... and was still paying the price. 

"Get dressed. Meet me upstairs." Chance left the room.

Vale drug herself out of the bed. Everything hurt. Bruises from unkind fingers littered her tanned skin. She dressed, then went to see what the Bastard in charge wanted.

He saw her standing in the doorway. "C'mere." He waved her over. "Look over there." Out the window, Vale could see a man looking around the property, clearly confused. He was well-dressed, and held a portfolio and clipboard with some papers.

One of Chance's tricks was that he had the house smaller than it's perimeter. All along the outside of the house, several yards from the physical front door was a staked-out barrier, about a foot high. Then he had a "doorway" that only consisted of three wooden posts made to look like one. "Federal Census Taker. He tripped the wire not five minutes ago. If he sets foot over that boundary or comes through my doorway, he is legally inside my house." Vale felt herself being pulled in front of Chance. He pushed a shotgun into her hands. "Legally, I have the right to shoot him. Legally, he has entered my home..." Vale swallowed hard. She knew what he was playing.

This was how her parents died. Chance wanted her to see that she was no better than the rest of them. No better than him... 

"This is your chance, Vale... prove your loyalty to me..."

It was her or the stranger. Chance would surely beat her to death if she didn't. 

She shut down her emotions. Logic alone stood between her and the grave. 

She fired the gun.

"I've often wondered if I did the right thing or not. There are arguments for both sides." She looked into Carlisle's eyes. "But I wouldn't have met you." She smiled softly, then tucked her head onto his shoulder. The pair held each other for a long while. 

Carlisle closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of his lover. 

Never again would she have to make a choice like that. Not on his watch. 

Recommended Song: The Scientist by Coldplay

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