Chapter 39: Crazy Peeps

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Vale told the two girls everything she could remember about what happened on the plane ride to Italy. They agreed not to let out any information about a negative part of her past, and were able to fill her in on a lot of things that were previously fuzzy.

Vale was now the one in the drivers seat, flooring the gas on the little yellow sports car that Alice had managed to snag. She was feeling better now, the Lady having calmed down enough for her to focus on other things. She was deep in thought and wasn't listening to Alice talking to Bella. "I'm not going to be able to go with you." She finally said. "What? Why not? Vale, I need you there!" Bella started to panic. "No. You will be fine." Vale said firmly, her lips pressed in a thin line. "I can't go because of Aro." Alice looked confused. "Why not? You're a vampire, they aren't going to kill you." "No... Garrett told me about Aro's power. If he finds out what I can do..." "You have a gift?" Alice asked excitedly. 

"Yes. I can tell what a person's greatest wish is and give them one of these." She casually threw out her hand in front of Alice and a transparent glass ball appeared. Alice took it gingerly. It had a good bit of weight to it. "Pop that bubble and it will come true." "That's... incredible!" Bella marveled. "If Aro finds out what I can do, he will make me join him and then I will have to use my power for things he orders me to." "Well if he looks into MY head, he will know about you!" Alice said anxiously. "Think, Alice. Edward can't read Bella's mind, the likelihood of Aro being able to is non-existent." She pointed to the bubble in Alice's hand. "I know what your greatest wish is. Say it, Alice." 

Alice held the bubble close to her heart. "All I wish for is for my family to be safe, and for a happy ending for everyone I love." The bubble in her hand popped, vaporizing into a turquoise mist that danced around her fingers for a brief moment, then disappeared.

Vale gave her a lopsided grin. "I'd like to see Aro beat that."


Vale waited for the three of them to return to the car. They were gone for almost an hour and she was getting worried. Then she caught sight of them walking leisurely toward the vehicle. Vale threw out her hands. "What the hell were you thinking?!!"  Edward's jaw dropped. "MUM?" He went to hug her, but got smacked upside the head instead. "Seriously?? 'The girlfriend I so unceremoniously dumped is dead, I think I will get myself killed, or better yet, expose the existence of my whole vampire family to the WHOLE WORLD so that they could get themselves killed too.' " Edward hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry Mum." He murmured, his eyes on the concrete. "C'mere you stupid little boy." Vale wrapped her arms around him. He felt like a beaten puppy in her arms. "I missed you." He whispered. 

"You couldn't see that I was here in Alice's mind?" Vale asked. "No..." "Then it really worked!" Alice beamed. "If he had seen you in my mind, it would have been dangerous for you, and Aro would have seen it through him! But that wish protected you and brought us safely back!" "Alright you crazy peeps," Vale smiled, getting in the car,

 "lets go home."

Recommended Song: Thunder by Imagine Dragons

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