Chapter 4: "Mama's here?"

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One month in, and things were going pretty smoothly. The house was almost completely organized and put in order. Charlie was impressed by her knowledge and work ethic, something he didn't expect from someone her age. She had proven herself experienced and reliable, earning the Chief of Police's trust. He wished Bella would learn something from Vale... Bella was young, naïve, and was constantly surrounded by other young hormonal teenagers who didn't know a thing about life. Vale wasn't unhealthily egotistical, or naïve in the least. 

But getting the two to hang out would have to wait for now, he just got his daughter back, and he wanted to try to gain her trust for himself first. Today, he had sent Vale to Forks High School to deliver a permission slip for a student who was having issues. 


Forks High School. "Judas Priest... this whole place looks depressing. No wonder this area has a high juvenile felony record." Vale swung open the door of the building, her head swerving this way and that, looking for the principle's office.

Not far away, Alice suddenly sat straight up, her eyes growing wide with excitement. She grabbed Jasper's arm as well as Edwards and started jumping up and down a little. "Ohmygodshe'shereshe'shereshe'shere!" She squealed. "Mama's here?" both boys asked in unison, looking up and down the hallway they were standing in. "Here she comes!" Alice whisper-screamed. 

Sure enough, a young woman came around the corner, fully-clad in an officer's uniform, her badge gleaming slightly in the florescent lighting above. Jasper's head went up, and he stood up straighter. There was a strong sense of courage emanating from her, as well as a calmness that gave his mind release from all the hormonal emotions from the teenagers around him every day. Most people's emotions were like water - one drop in a still pool would cause the whole thing to shimmer and move - but hers was different - like a faint whisper in the wind. Calm. Controlled. A lighthouse in a hurricane of  emotion. 

Edward found he could hear her thoughts - or at least thought he could. It was as if the had control over her thoughts, choosing to dwell on certain things worth her time and not on others, which he could not read. Her mind was disciplined to filter the needed from the unneeded. He could faintly hear the chords of Oasis' Hello playing in her head as she approached.

"Excuse me, but which way is the principle's office?" She smiled. "Down the hall and to the left." Both boys said in unison. "Thanks." She gave them a two-fingered salute and marched off to complete her mission.

The three vampires looked at each other. Alice was bouncing on her toes with glee, Jasper was head over heels in love with his Mama, and Edward - who was dealing with a blood singer - thought he finally found someone to whom he could, soon, pour out his troubles to without being judged, and someone who would give him sound advice. All three shared the same thought...

"Carlisle is gonna LOVE her..."

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