Chapter 32: The Icebox

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Vale lost track of the time that she had spent in Nick's cabin. She guessed that Alice still couldn't see her future and that there was no scent for them to trace since Nick had burned her cozy little house to the ground. She had already moved most of her things into Carlisle's place anyway. 

Nick had her handcuffed to him 24/7. They were both right-handed, and since Nick was an ass, she had to learn to use a utensil with her left hand when she was allowed to eat. For the first few weeks, Nick had made numerous advances toward her, but she held her ground, physically fighting him until he was so worn out, he decided to use another tactic.

Nick hadn't counted on Vale's ability to hold him off. He was stronger than her, true, but she had been trained in combat since they last met. She knew how to wear him out and use his strength against him. She was small and agile, while he was bigger and slower-moving. So, he went for the mental attack, trying to make her feel worthless so she would give in.

"Nope. Not happening. I'm loved by Carlisle Cullen. I am NOT worthless. I am who I choose to be." Vale repeated over and over in her head.

It worked. Nick was getting frustrated. 

Nick started feeding her less, hoping that physical weakness would be the deciding factor. 

That was when Vale started to get scared. Come to think of it, she wasn't actually afraid until she thought that she might die, and Carlisle hadn't figured out where she was. 

A week went by, with a single small meal a day. She started to wain.

He figured that she was too weak to go anywhere, so he started to let her go around without being cuffed to him. 

Another week went by. He fed her a total of 3 times.

The week after, only once.

She was getting dizzy constantly, blacking out on occasion, but not for long enough for Nick to take advantage of the situation. She had no more strength.

It was at this moment, Vale knew she was dying.

One morning, he kicked her awake. "Get up." he said gruffly.

She was too slow for him in her movements, so he dragged her by the arm outside. There was at least a foot of snow, and it had to have been below 30 degrees outside. "We need supplies, so I'm leaving you here." He opened a large icebox. "Dude, this looks like one of those deep-freezers Chance used to store dead bodies in." She managed out. "Yup." He shoved her into the box. "Pretty sure your parents spent time here as well."

He slammed the lid shut and trudged back to his car, starting it up and driving off. She gave a weak push to the lid. He had bolted it shut with a padlock. The icebox wasn't on, but it didn't need to be in this weather. She was curled up in a fetal position, breathing slowly, her eyes glazed over with a vacant expression. If she didn't freeze to death, she would surely run out of air. 

"He didn't come." She murmured to herself, her voice slurred. She wasn't angry, she just missed him. The one man who won over her heart and mind and trust. 

Hours passed, but Vale had lost consciousness long before. Her heartbeat was slowing down...




She didn't hear the sound of the padlock being ripped off the icebox. She didn't see the moonlight pouring onto her face as the lid was opened. 

She also didn't hear the sultry voice say in an amused tone.

"Well, hello, there Beautiful."

(Recommended Song: Extreme Ways by Moby)

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