Chapter 11: When?

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"Ah, Doctor Cullen." Charlie said, relief laced in his voice. "Charlie." Carlisle acknowledged. He forced himself not to look at her...

"I've got this one Jackie." he said, taking the clipboard from the nurse. 

He could hear her heartbeat suddenly speed up...

One would think that upon first meeting, the two mates would follow the typical falling-in-love type feelings, such as butterflies in their stomach, a heartbeat suddenly skipped, or a warm feeling spread over their bodies... 

But no.

"Cullen... Doctor Cullen..." her mind reeled. 

Vale's head snapped to the doorway and immediately landed on the golden color of the man's eyes. Her mind did not register how handsome he was, or how his voice sounded just like silk... 

No, her body stiffened, and her hand instinctively gripped her weapon, her knuckles whitening on the handle, and her eyes hardening on his face. 

"Pale white skin. Unnaturally golden eyes. A Cullen. Safe to assume he could stop a car with his bare hands as well? Probably..."

Charlie was so caught up in listening to what Carlisle was saying to his daughter he didn't notice Vale's sudden rigidness. 

Bella was attempting to prod Carlisle for answers about Edward. Vale listened as he gave no response of any substance. She also noted that Bella made no mention of Jasper. "Note to self: Bella possibly has a crush on Edward."

"Well, thank you Dr. Cullen. I apricate it." "Of course, Chief Swan. Anytime." Carlisle smiled, his eyes finally landing on the woman standing behind Charlie.

And his undead heart dropped.

Her eyes were narrowed, studying his every move; her posture almost (but not quite) aggressive. Her heartbeat had been out of fear, not excitement as he had assumed. 

"She's... afraid of me? No. No, no no no no... My mate... this exquisite goddess who I did not dare to dream would ever come... and she fears my presence..." 

And yet here she was, and she did not trust him, nor did she feel the powerful longing that he felt, for she was still human, and had every reason to fear him...

He could feel the Lord within him give a wailing sob. If vampires could cry, Carlisle would be in tears...

Her weapon that she so firmly gripped would not harm him in the least, and it pained him to see his love so unable to protect herself from the world of the supernatural that would so easily kill her. But he could tell that, if worst came to worst, she would go out fighting...

Charlie turned around to Vale and did a double-take. "At ease, soldier." He chuckled. "Doctor Cullen this is Officer Vale Rockford." Carlisle took her hand softly. He was determined to show her he was not a threat. Her grip was firm, her hand warm in his ice-cold fingers as he pressed a soft kiss on it. "Pleasure is all mine, Miss Rockford."

Vale blinked up at him. She was taken aback by his gentleness, something that she was not used to receiving from her fellow humans. Her hand relaxed for a brief moment, and her large doe eyes softened, dropping to the floor for a split second before daring to look into his eyes again.

Carlisle studied her, his eyes taking in every feature on her face. His eyes begged her to trust him, to not judge him so quickly, and silently swore to her that he would forever be hers and hers alone. 

Vale could not understand what these puppy-eyes meant, but she shook herself out of it, straightening herself up again as Chief Swan spoke to her. 

"Vale, I owe you one for bringing Bella here so fast. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call me." "Sure thing, Chief." She nodded, taking Bella's arm. "I've gotta sign some papers for Dr. Cullen, but I'll be out in a bit." "Until next time, Miss Rockford." Carlisle said, his eyes begging, pleading with her to stay for just a while longer. "Good afternoon, gentlemen." She said, politely.

Charlie turned to Carlisle. "You sly bastard..." he muttered, filling out the form and handing it back to Carlisle. "What is this on the back?" Carlisle asked Charlie's retreating form. "Her number!" Charlie said, laughing.


As soon as they were out of earshot, Vale gripped Bella's arm. "Whatever you do, do not engage with a Cullen without either myself or several witnesses, am I clear?" Bella nodded. "I've got some things I need to find out and I don't want you getting hurt, so promise me, Bella." "Alright, I promise." Bella said meekly. She really did mean it. She had come to find that Vale was usually right and her judgments were the best ones to follow. 

She spotted a group of Cullens down a hallway, Carlisle being one of them. "Wait. There's Edward. I want to speak to him." Vale stopped and let go of her arm. "I will wait here, then." She watched as Bella asked to speak with Edward. Carlisle's eyes once again pleaded with her own, but Vale merely lifted her head a little higher, her expression unreadable. 

Carlisle turned, sighing, and went back to his office, to where the coat, her coat, was still hanging. It seemed so pathetic now, compared to breathing in her scent in her very presence, but it was all he had of her for now...

"Oh, my darling Vale, when will you love me as much as I love you?"

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