Chapter 35: Damn Torys...

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Garrett was going to be wondering where she went off to, but if he had any brains, he would see the footprints in the snow walking toward town. He would also notice be able to follow their scent back to the Red Pony.

"You used to come visit me here." Said Henry. He hadn't spoken much to her the whole way, and she didn't press him to. She felt a warm pull toward the place, like it was somewhere she had previously had happy memories. Christmas music was playing from the old jukebox. She sat herself down at the bar. The whole building was empty for the two of them, since it was technically supposed to be closed for the day. 

"So..." she began, "My name is Vale Rockford... and I'm a police officer, right?" "You are much more than that, my dear." Henry sighed. He was struggling to find the words. "Did I have a bad past?" She asked him. There was a pause. "Yes. Yes, very bad." "Then don't tell me about that." She said firmly. "For all extensive purposes, I'm dead to everyone." "Not to everyone." Henry corrected. "Well, I didn't mean you." She smiled at him. Henry couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful she was as a vampire. He had always felt a fatherly protection for her and was very proud of her in that moment. 

"Well, I wasn't only referring to me..."


Garrett blinked at her. "Say whaaaaaaaaaaat?" The man was a total child sometimes.

"You're Carlisle's fiancé? His MATE? WHAT? CARLISLE???" 

"Apparently so."

"Dammit. I was gonna ask you out." Vale snorted at his remark. "Well, it's just as well as you didn't, since you don't want to make things awkward for you and your old friend." 

"Goddamn Torys." He muttered. "Is he British? Henry didn't mention that." Vale asked, a bright smile on her face. "Oh yes, all "bloody hell" and tea and crumpets. Fish and chips. Turn on the telly." Vale laughed at him.

"I suppose you will have to go back to Forks, then." "You won't come with me?" "No. I'm a nomad and don't want to be forced into a diet of bunnies just yet. But I wish you all the best." He shook her hand. "Speaking of wishes, I have a gift for you." She waved a very clearly empty hand in midair, cupping it in front of her. Inside lay what looked like a clear glass bubble, shining with the snow's reflective glare. "I found that I have a gift. I can grant your heart's greatest wish."

Garrett's eyes widened as he took the bubble from her hand. "What?" he whispered. "I was in town a few weeks ago finding some clothes, and I came across a teenage boy crying in the streets. He had run away from home. Somehow, I knew that his heart's greatest desire was to go home and be with his family again, but he lacked the courage to do it. I don't know how I knew that's what he wanted, but I did. So, I gave him one of these." She pointed to the bubble.

"The thing about it is that only you can actually make the wish come true. You have to be the one to pop the bubble." Garrett stared open mouthed at her. "Vale Rockford, you are truly the most incredible woman I've ever met." She smiled at him, "Maybe someday you'll meet someone almost as incredible." "Almost." He smiled back.


Two days was all it took for her to get back to Forks. Vampiric speed was something she'd have to get used to. She was filled with anxiety about the way the Cullens, particularly Carlisle, was going to respond to her return. She stood at the edge of the woods where it opened up to a full view of their house. 

Nobody appeared to be home.

She approached it cautiously. She still didn't remember the place completely, but she felt like she'd been here before. No one answered her knock. The door was locked, so she went around to the garage. She was able to lift up the door. Her eyes fell upon a sleek black 1980's Trans Am. She felt a smile spread on her face. "K.I.T.T." She whispered, running her hand on the frame. She wondered if she could find the keys.

The door to the house was unlocked from there, so she went inside. Her undead heart sank. She couldn't catch the scent of anyone in the house.

They were gone, and apparently had been for a while. 

(I got the bubble idea from that old movie The Labyrinth, with David Bowie. I grew up with that movie and it's always fun to re-watch! Today's recommended song is Underground from the film!)

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