Chapter 12: Dog Soldiers and White Runners

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Later that night...

Edward needed a distraction from Bella, so he turned his thoughts toward Carlisle's case. Ever since he had that brief glimpse of Vale's memories, he had been curious about her past. 

A different voice, a deep baritone that was comforting yet firm. "There was a case 15 years ago. A mother and father and their only daughter went on vacation and were never heard from again. The bodies were never found. Now we find an 18 year-old girl with the same name as the missing daughter..."

He pulled out his laptop. Rockford Case, Absaroka, Wyoming he typed.

The next few minutes were spent reading two articles, one dated 15 years ago, and other dated about 5 years ago. 



Vale was exhausted from the events from the day before. She was thankful that Charlie had decided to give her the day off. She had spent the majority of the night researching people with medical histories of pale skin, unnatural eye color, cold body temperatures, and unnatural strength... Only to find the ridiculous idea that the Cullens were vampires.

Completely ludicrous idea, thank you very much.

She dragged herself out of bed, threw on a sheer cover over her nightgown, and went to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. She picked up her phone and dialed. 

"It's another beautiful day at the Red Pony Saloon and continual soiree..."

"Hi, I'd like to order a bucket of stupid to-go." 

"Vale! How are you? Walt has been grinding his teeth ever since you left. Branch Connally hasn't exactly given him an easy time of it..."

"I'm alright, Henry. I haven't heard anything from Walt since I got here, but you know what he is like. The man needs to buy himself a cell phone."

"No kidding. How are Seth and Leah?"

"Oh they are fine..." A thought struck her. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something. You know those Cheyenne stories you told me about the dog soldiers and the white runners?"

"Yes... what about them?"

Vale took a shaky breath. "Was there any truth in them?" 

"What brought this on? Vale, are you in danger?"

There was silence for a moment.

"I have no idea..."

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