Chapter 24: "I Belong to Him..."

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Carlisle was wild with terror.

He was trying to keep it together, for the sake of his family, but the Lord was having none of it.


Carlisle could only pace the floor of his home office and keep his focus on the ground to keep from actually screaming these words. 

Charlie had given him the call when Vale was in-route to the hospital after being shot. None of the Cullens could leave the house that day since it was too bright and sunny outside. It would endanger all of them. He told Charlie that he had left for a business meeting but would return that night, hoping to get to the hospital before anything worse happened.

He kept anxiously looking out the window toward the sky, wishing he could will it to grow darker. A few more hours...

His phone rang, and he snatched it up. "Dr. Cullen speaking." he said, trying to keep his voice somewhat composed. "Carlisle! She's bolted from the Hospital! I have no idea where she is. She went completely wild and ferial. She isn't thinking right... She may have gone in the direction of your house."

Carlisle's un-beating heart shivered. His eyes went outside the window. A large white and grey barn owl stared at him, unblinking, with bright eyes.

The Messenger of Death had visited the coven...


Warm breath huffed at her cold, damp hair.

Vale's eyes slowly opened. She lifted her head slightly, her large tired eyes looking upward. 

A wolf towered over her. Not an ordinary wolf, but a huge black creature, with dark brown eyes glimmering dangerously above her. She let out a slow breath.

"I... know... what you are..." she said horsely.

The wolf growled lowly; not quite threatening. It was clearly making up it's mind what it thought of her. She smelled like vampire... someone had clearly placed a claim on her...

"I... belong... to... Carlisle.... Cullen... I...belong..." Her head sank down again. She was fighting the urge to go back to the world of the unconscious. The black wolf snorted, the sank it's large teeth into her gown, pulling her out of the water. His large wet paws left footprints around her. Then it threw it's large head back and howled.


The entire Cullen clan had searched the territory allotted to them. 

Nothing. No scent, no trace. 

Carlisle was panting with anxiety. His body not caring that it was a vampire anymore. 

A slight hoot came from the trees above him. He looked up to see the large owl from before gazing down at him with a rather unamused expression. It turned away, then took off in the direction of the Reservation.

His eyes widened in realization. His head snapped back to his children. "We need to get to the boundary line..."


A group of werewolves were waiting for them. A few were pacing around, a silver one was lying next to something in white; something small and wet that it was clearly trying to keep warm.

The large black one in front growled at Carlisle. 

"He says it took you long enough." Edward translated. 

The wolf growled again, and snorted.

"He says he thinks they have something that belongs to you."

The wolf turned to look at the small, wet, shivering, thing. Carlisle's body shuddered. 

"He says that he found her in the stream. She'd been there for a few hours. A little longer and she'd died of hypothermia.... He also would like to know what the hell is wrong with you..." Carlisle glanced at Edward, who threw up his hands. "His words, not mine."

"She is my mate." Carlisle explained to the black wolf. "She is a police officer and was shot while on-duty today. She has a phobia of medical equipment and bolted." He paused. "And I would very much like to have her under my personal care." he finished.

The black wolf glared at him for a minute. He let out a huff, then turned away. 

"He says you can go get her. But only you are allowed to cross the boundary line."

Carlisle didn't need to be told twice. 

He crossed the small chasm in one leap.

The silver wolf that was huddled close her got up and sauntered away as Carlisle approached. 

"Vale..." He whispered. Her face was white, and her hands were frozen stiff. "God... I need to get you home... just hang on, my Darling. I swear, I won't let you go..."

(Recommended Song: Be My Queen by Seafret)

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