Chapter 26: Never Give a Vampire a Knife

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Charlie was relieved to hear that Vale had been found and was currently under Dr. Cullen's supervision (pun completely intended). He gave her a release of duty until she had completely healed. 

Now, she stood in the kitchen of the Cullen's home, busying herself with Esme and Carlisle, trying to teach them how to cook. Emmett just watched, while Rosalie helped sulkily. The whole situation between Edward and Bella was putting her on edge. Vale made her way over to her and rubbed her back gently. 

"You didn't act this way with Carlisle and I." she noted, softly. "Well, I actually LIKE you." Rosalie countered. And you aren't just willing to throw away your life and humanity for someone you have a silly crush on." Vale's eyes went to Carlisle. He was trying to do what the man on the small television screen was doing. Note to self: never give a vampire a knife. He is going to lose a finger. 

"I honestly can't say that I had that experience with Carlisle." Vale responded. "I don't feel what I don't choose to feel. I love him because I choose to love him, and I think I'm beginning to feel that love." Rosalie tilted her head curiously. Her mother was a very strange woman in normal terms, but Rose understood the impact of abuse, the experience of having a good life suddenly snatched away and twisted into something completely different. "We understand that." she told her.

"I understand because of... what happened to me... to both of us..." Her eyes went to the floor. "Jasper understands not just because he can feel your emotions, but because he knows first-hand what it is to be manipulated; to have someone say they love you and treat you like they don't. Alice knows what it is to be hunted and trapped. Esme knows what it is to have a dream crushed right before your eyes, and to be unloved. Emmett probably understands in his own way. And Carlisle... has he told you about his father?" Vale nodded, solemnly. "Then you know that we are all right there with you. My problem with Bella is that she is none of those things."

Vale opened her mouth, taking a breath as if to respond, then deliberately shut it again, with a "well, I can't argue with you there," expression. Rosalie giggled a little. "I suppose that all we can do is to be gracious." Vale smiled. Rosalie turned toward the doorway. "Get a whiff of that. Here comes the human."


Bella stepped into the Cullen's home. "Bella! We're making Italian for you!" Esme smiled. "Oh. Mmm." she responded awkwardly. "Judas Priest, her manners are so bad..." Vale mentally scolded her. Esme was overjoyed at having her over at last. "Bella, this is Esme. My Aunt, for all extensive purposes." Edward introduced. The two started chattering in Italian. "You and Vale have given us the excuse to finally use the kitchen." Carlisle said, smiling, wrapping his arms around Vale's waist from behind her.

Bella was caught off guard. She had no idea that Vale would be here, much less that she and Carlisle were a thing. "I hope you're hungry." Esme smiled. "Yeah, absolutely." Bella responded. "She already ate." Butted in Edward. Vale gave Edward a deliberate glare. "EDWARD. BE. POLITE. TO. YOUR. AUNT." She mentally told him. Edward sent her a slightly guilty sidelong glance. The bowl Rosalie was holding practically turned to powder in her hands. "Perfect." she growled. Emmett was by her side in a moment. Bella tried to explain that she knew vampires didn't eat, but if she had known Vale was going to be here she would have held off. "Of course, how considerate." Esme smiled at her. "Yeah, let's just keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie growled again. "I would never tell anyone anything." Bella assured them. "Yeah well, you two have gone public now so-" Emmett began. "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly. I'm not letting anything happen to hurt my family." Rosalie hissed. "Badly as in... I would become the meal." Bella said meekly. Sniggers ran through the room. "Oh my gosh, how dumb can she get?" Vale was getting more and more exasperated. 

 Rosealie stormed out of the kitchen. "Just ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward muttered to Bella. He caught his mother's glare yet again. "You should pay more attention to your sister, Mr. Glitterpants. She isn't stupid or mean-spirited, she's actually a lovely person." 

"You need to get back upstairs for a while." Carlisle said, smiling down on her. He could feel the tension she was building up. "You don't need to be stressing yourself." he whispered quietly to her. "Alright, Love. I'll be upstairs if you need me. Tell Jasper that if he gets too uncomfortable to just come and sit with me." Carlisle was beaming. It was the first time she called him by any affectionate nickname. 

Today was going to be a good day.

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