Chapter 5: The Scent of Her...

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It was Vale's day off. She wanted to get a few things for Murdock in town, so she rolled K.I.T.T's windows down and decided to make a day of it. The sky held a grey overcast, but the cool weather was a treat for her. It reminded her of Wyoming.

A group of boys caught here eye as she cruised around town. Trouble? It was getting close to winter break for a lot of students, which meant more opportunity for irresponsible youngsters to get into trouble. She made a mental note to keep an eye on them as she passed on to the pet store.

Twenty minutes later, having gotten what she needed, she passed them again. They were hooting and hollering at a pretty young blonde girl and a tall brunette woman. This could get bad...

"Come' on baby, how about a good time?" crowed one of the guys. There was a chorus of wolf-whistles and cheers. "Leave us ALONE!" said the blonde, angrily. 

Vale revved her engine and pulled up to the curb beside them, getting out of the car. She wasn't wearing her uniform today, so she was going to have to be as intimidating as she could on her own. "You ladies having a problem here?" She smiled, her eyes remaining fixed on the large group. "We were just trying to pass by.." began the dark-haired one. "These nitwits won't leave us alone!" said the blonde angrily. Vale blinked. These two had very gold eyes - the same shade as those three kids that she had asked directions from the other day. She decided to ignore the sense of deja-vu and turned to to boys. "It's Wednesday isn't it?" she asked. "You mean hump day?" responded one of them. "How about you and me get to know each other a little, huh Baby Girl?" His eyes traveled up and down her figure and he licked his bottom lip. Vale shoved her hands in her pockets and took a step toward him. He did the same thing.

"Listen to me you arrogant bastard." She said in a low voice. "Unless you get off the street and start getting your act together, the only way you're gonna get to know me,"  she whipped out her badge from her pocket, "is in jail." Her eyes burned holes into his face as he went pale upon seeing what she was. She backed up toward her car. "I suggest you all get back to school...all of you." Silence had fallen over the whole group, and they slowly started parting ways. Vale turned back to the two women. 

"Can I give you ladies a lift anywhere?" She asked kindly. Both were smiling. "We would appreciate it." Said the dark-haired woman. "Hop in." Vale politely opened the back door for the woman, and the front passenger for the blonde, trotting back to the drivers side. "I'm Esme, and this is my niece, Rosalie." "Vale Rockford. Pleasure to meet you." She stuck her hand out and shook Rosalie's hand beside her. "Lordy your hands are cold!" "Sorry..." Rosalie said, shyly. "No, it's fine! My mama's was like that too. Here, take my coat and I'll turn up the heat." "You really don't have too-" Rosalie began to protest. "Nope. I insist." Vale smiled. "Now, where to?"


Carlisle was upstairs in his study, working on paperwork. Rosalie and Esme had to go shoe shopping again... One thing about being a vampire was that you wore out your shoes pretty fast with all the high-speed running. 

He didn't know where Alice and Jasper were. He was sure they were conspiring some scheme, and he was almost positive Edward was in on it as well. They had been whispering to themselves a lot lately, and always becoming very quiet when they knew anyone else was near. It probably wasn't bad news, or Alice would definitely have informed him. 

He stood, stacking his papers neatly. From the voices below, it sounded like Esme and Rosalie had finally returned. That was the moment that it hit him. 

A scent. 

Wave after wave of if washed over him like nothing he had ever experienced before. He staggered, clutching his chest, right where his un-beating heart lay still. He could feel his darker side, the "Lord", suddenly rage within him.

"Its her... The scent of my mate... after all this time...Its HER... WHERE IS SHE? SHE IS MINE! I WANT HER NOW -"

Carlisle forced himself to snap out of his inner thoughts. He truly was a unique vampire. The strength of his desire as well as his self-control waged war within him like never before...

The commotion downstairs had gotten louder.


Jasper was the first to recognize the scent. "The sea air. Mama smells like the sea after a storm. I don't see her... where is that scent coming from? " He looked to Edward, who by then had also noticed it. "The sea? I thought she smelled like Earl Grey tea..." he whispered. Alice shook her head. "What are you talking about? She totally smells like butterscotch candy..."

Rosalee and Esme were clearly in high spirits. "She was awesome! Did you see that guy's face?"  They stopped giggling when they saw everyone else's faces staring at them. Emmet wat the first to speak.

"Uh, babe? Who's coat are you wearing?"

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