Chapter 33: Valentine

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Her whole body felt dead. Or frozen? She couldn't tell. The first thing she thought was "I can't feel my fingertips... like, I can, but only the skin... I can feel what's outside, but... my whole body feels cold..." She also became aware of a odd sense of not needing to breathe.

Well this is new...

She felt another presence watching her. The presence bore the scent of cedarwood. Almost noiseless footsteps brought it closer, hovering over her. 

Her eyes shot open and her arm went for the being's throat, rolling over to where she was straddling the... man... yes, it's a man... his waist.

"Who the hell are you?" She growled. She blinked in surprise. Her voice... it sounded different... it was still hers, but it was more... sultry, soft, seductive perhaps? Alluring is a better word for it... She shoved down the surprise and glared hard at the man beneath her.

He had dark brown hair and a chiseled jawline. He was lean and was probably about a foot and a half taller than her standing up. And yes, he was handsome dammit.

"Woah, there gorgeous. I'm not gonna hurt you. Not like that asshole who had you stuffed in an Icebox." The man said, a cheeky grin coming to his face. "I'm Garrett. What's your name?"

Nothing came to mind.

"No idea." She finally decided to say.

"Not uncommon, some newborn vampires don't ever remember their human life." 

"New... What?" "Newborn Vampire, sweetcheeks. Aaaaaaaaand if you don't mind letting me up, I'll explain everything."

She stood on her feet, giving him her hand. He accepted and got up, straightening his long black overcoat. "I was in the area when I heard this car go by. He was playing the Beatles. I detest that British excuse for good rock music. I hadn't had a meal in a while so I just ripped off his car door and had myself a bite or two or three." He grinned mischievously.

 Vale grimaced. It sounded disgusting. 

"I could smell a trace of another scent, something... expensive... so I followed the car tracks back to this cabin, couldn't find you anywhere in here, went outside, found you basically dead in an icebox and decided you would be good company."

"Well.. Thanks." Vale responded awkwardly. 

"That was about 3 days ago. I'd imagine you are hungry." "You have no idea." "Oh, I think I do." he grinned, "Follow me."


It was beautiful outside. Vale didn't have to worry about freezing to death in order to enjoy the beauty of the winter forest around her. Garrett had given her a coat which looked suspiciously identical to his own, but slightly smaller. She didn't ask him where he got it. They came to a lake. It wasn't completely frozen over just yet, and it was as still as a mirror. Garett called her over. "Look." he pointed down into the river. 

"I don't see anything." "Look at your reflection." 

She looked. Her eyes were a deep glowing mahogany red, her black lashes long, giving her hooded eyes a shrewd appearance. Her skin was pale and her cheekbones and jawline were pronounced. Her light brown hair was silky and looked perfectly styled. She tilted her head to the side a little. "It's not quite me." She said thoughtfully. Garrett was looking at her with a sly grin. "Oh, but it is. It's very you." "I wish I could remember my name... or where I come from... something tells me I already knew vampires existed before you changed me." 

"If you did, you're very lucky to be alive then. The Volturi would have had you killed if they knew you knew. And as for your name..." He thought for a moment.

"It was Valentine's Day when I found you. I think for now that's what I'll call you." He smiled at her. "Valentine."

She shrugged. "That'll work. And what the hell is the Volturi?"

Garrett grinned at her bluntness, taking her hand and leading her further into the woods. "I'll tell you along the way..."

Recommended Song: Never Close Our Eyes by Adam Lambert

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