Playlist for Chapters 1-21 + Fun Facts About Vale

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Chapter 1: Vale Rockford:

- Longmire Theme

-Used to the Darkness by Des Rocks

Chapter 2: Change Sucks

- Runaway by AURORA

Chapter 3: The 80s Were Better

- Wonderwall by Oasis

- The A-Team Theme

- Knight Rider Theme

- The Rockford Files Theme

Chapter 4: Mama's Here?

- Hello by Oasis

Chapter 5: The Scent of Her...

-Sweater Weather by the Neighborhood

Chapter 6: Everything She'd Rather Forget

- Believer by Imagine Dragons

- RIP 2 My Youth by The Neighborhood

- Alive by Sia

- Elastic Heart by Sia

- Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana/Mala J Cover

Chapter 7: Mama Please Come Home

- Somewhere Only We Know by Keyne

Chapter 8: Her Father's Eyes

- Counting Stars by One Republic

Chapter 9: Such a Mama's Boy

- Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

Chapter 10: "I Cannot Touch Her"

- My Blood by Ellie Golding

Chapter 11: When?

- Monsters in the Dark by MyKey

Chapter 12: Dog Soldiers and White Runners

- Mind is a Prison by Alec Benjamin

Chapter 13: On My Own Terms

- Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

Chapter 14: "Have you come to Kill Me Too?"

- Queens Gambit Main Title by Carlos Rafael Rivera

Chapter 15: Not Alone Anymore

- Running with the Wolves by AURORA

Chapter 16: "You"

Her and the Sea by Clann

Chapter 17: Still out there...

- Shadow of Mine by Alec Benjamin

Chapter 18: Messenger of Death

- Sirens by Fleurie

Chapter 19: For Him

- Stand By Me by Julia Westlin

Chapter 20: The Lord and the Lady

- Wait by M83

- Dance For me Wallis - Abel Korzeniowski

-The Path of Silence by Anne Sophie Versuaeguen

- Kiss Her You Fool By Kids That Fly

Chapter 21: Bella Lugosi

- Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab

All songs can be found on Spotify or YouTube. They are all EXCELLENT pieces! 

I should be out with another chapter soon, I highly recommend this playlist to get a feel for who Vale is and her aura...

Fun Facts about her:

- If she was in Harry Potter, she would have been in Slytherin.

- Super ambitious, would have made a very effective Auror.

- Has a phobia of medical equipment (aka. medieval torture devices) 

- She once pranked Walt by wrapping cling-wrap over his office doorway. 

- It took him 10 minutes to stop laughing.

- Her personality is a mix of Walt's brazen dertermination and Henry Standing Bear's calm, collected, level-headedness.

- She's actually a workaholic. If she doesn't make time to relax she won't.

- Loves rain. Hates Thunderstorms. It's the lightning. She hates not knowing what is going to happen next. Thus, she is actually a very planned person.

- She is also an Aquarius (Feb. 14th)

- She also loves Downton Abbey, Shark Tank (Robert is her favorite, he's such a sweet child at heart), Sherlock, and Judge Judy

- Yes, Judge Judy is her secret idol. She'd never tell anyone.

-Edward knows of course.


- Gold Lightsabers, two of them cause' she's badass.

- would have married Cassian Andor because they are actually a lot alike.

- Born after the Empire began, found she was force-sensitive and ran from the Empire's Inquisitors for most of her early life/teen years until she joined the rebellion.

BuIlT hEr oWn DaMN LiGhTsAbErZ heck yes!

-Trained herself to fight

- Cassian loved her to death (quite literally)

- Vale remained a widow for 20 years after the Empire fell

- Met the Mandalorian and teamed up with him.

- Mando holds her in HUGE respect TM...

- The whole "Child" thing begins.

-They meet Marshal Cobb Vanth.

- Vanth is smitten.

- Vale finishes the mission with the Child and goes back to Mos Eisley.

- Marries Vanth and the two are very happy together. 


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