Chapter 13: On My Own Terms

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Bella had informed Vale that she would be at LaPush Beach that weekend. She had invited Vale along, but she wasn't feeling up to it. She had too much on her mind at the moment. 

For the life of her, she could not understand why Dr. Cullen looked at her the way he did. It was almost as if he already knew her, already loved her, and was just waiting... for her to love him as well? His expression was almost pleading...

Her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. Focus. Pay attention.

Charlie was handing out assignments for the day. "Heads up, Rockford and Forge, I want you both on tracking duty today. I want something on what is causing these animal attacks." "Yes sir" was the simultaneous reply.

A few hours later, Vale was in the middle of the woods, watching Murdock sniff the ground. "This was the location of the last attack?" She asked. Waylon Forge nodded. "Yep. Some poor hiker so I hear. Sad way to die." There was a moments pause. "Vale, how do you want to die?" he asked.

She thought for a moment, the memories of her parent's deaths floating in her mind. Finally, she replied. "On my own terms."

Waylon nodded. "Sounds like the best way to go." "Enough of the death-talk." She elbowed him, smiling. "How's the boat coming along?" "I bought it!" he said, smiling brightly. "I'm going fishing a week from now, when I get some time off."


A week went by. Vale had barely gotten any time off, work was grinding away at her energy. Bella kept in touch, and assured her that although she had spoken to Edward on a few occasions, it was never alone.

"I'm going dress shopping in Seattle this weekend with some of the other girls from school." 

Prom. Vale texted back. "Okie-dokie! Don't get anything that makes you look like a hooker:)" 

For the first time in weeks, Bella threw her head back and laughed so long and loud, Charlie thought she had completely lost her mind. 


It was a lovely evening, the cool breeze reminding Vale of the mountains back in Wyoming, and she missed going horseback riding with Walt on the high trails. Murdock chewed on a stick beside her while she sipped her Jasmine tea on her porch. Charlie had let her bring him home today, but told her that it was against regulations to bring a certified K9 home. She was going to have to get used to being by herself, something that she had been avoiding for a while now.

Suddenly, a wailing cry streaked through the wind. Her head snapped up, as did Murdock's. She listened intently, but nothing more came. The boat docks. It sounded like it came from the boat docks. Then it hit her. Forge. 

She heard laughter and loud voices approaching. Danger. Get inside. Murdock growled, and she grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside, locking the door behind her. He growled louder, giving a sharp bark. 

"Hush, Murdock! Stay quiet!" She hissed, placing a firm hand around his snout. He whined in protest. Vale peeked outside the window. The laughing had gotten louder.

Three people were walking across her lawn: A redheaded woman, a shirtless brunette man, and a dark-skinned fellow. She listened to what they were saying. 

"Did you hear him? 'Oh please stop! Don't hurt me, please!' It gets me every time."

"I don't see the point of you toying with them, James. Tracker you may be, but tormentor?"

" Shut it, Laurent. I'm just kidding around. Wait... do you smell that?"

Vale held her breath. Seconds felt hours... she dared to peek through the window. Bright red eyes were scanning her home.

"I thought I smelled something... someone..."


"I don't smell anything but your bad breath. Come on James, lets go."

The sounds of chatter died away, and Vale let out a shuddering breath.

Vampires were real... and they murdered Waylon Forge. 

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