Chapter 9: Such a Mama's Boy

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Vale next several days getting to know Bella and taking mental notes. "Introverted to a point of almost unhealthy. She must really want to be a stronger person, or she wouldn't have been the first to approach me directly. She is extremely self-aware (which is often a good thing) but she needs to learn to not turn that self-awareness into a self-absorbed habit... she has difficulty seeing things from other people's perspective... she probably never had to, and was never taught to be more considerate of others and what they are thinking... I think I can safely blame Renee for that, since Charlie might be introverted, but he certainly isn't the type to tolerate bad manners..."

She was on security duty that day at the school, and had confiscated a couple of skateboards from two idiots who had tried to use them inside the building. She stood outside, handing them back to the boys. "Don't let it happen again, or I will take these boards and use them as tea trays for serving the prisoners at the station." she warned. "Yes, Officer, we're sorry." they said meekly. "Hey! Officer Rockford!" someone called.

Vale turned to meet yet again several sets of bright golden eyes. "Howdy." she said politely. The small pixie-like girl was practically bobbing with excitement. "Hi! I'm Alice Cullen!" She tightly grasped Vale's warm hand in her ice-cold one. "Jasper Hale, ma'am." "Edward Cullen, Alice's brother." "Emmett Cullen, the BETTER brother." "Shut up." 

"It's lovely to meet you all." Vale interrupted before an argument could go any further. "Rosalie, it's nice to see you again as well. How is your aunt?" "Doing great, thanks!" Rosalie smiled. "We were all so inspired by your speech the other day. We just wanted to thank you for coming. There were several people as a result to decided to seek help for their problems and create a resolve to be stronger." said Alice. 

"That means so much to me." said Vale, placing her hand on her heart. "I have real sympathy for the young girls especially, and I wish I could do more." Edward saw within her mind flashes of memories..

A man towering over her. "This is your chance Vale.. prove your loyalty to me."

Two bigger teenagers shoving her into a dark cellar. "You're WEAK, Vale. And you always will be..."

The crack of a bullwhip. "If you EVER try to run away again..."

A different voice, a deep baritone that was comforting yet firm. "There was a case 15 years ago. A mother and father and their only daughter went on vacation and were never heard from again. The bodies were never found. Now we find an 18 year-old girl with the same name as the missing daughter..."

Edward didn't know what to make of all of it just yet, but the memories were dissolved in a wave of calmness and control, as if she were setting them aside and not letting them control her. He couldn't help but admire that, since most people would continue to dwell on the past hurt. Clearly she had come to terms with it. Even Jasper could barely feel the twinge of emotional pain coming from her as she spoke, since most of her emotion at the moment was pure relief. In fact, he didn't even notice it until it was already gone.

"I told the chief's daughter I would take her home today, so I've got to get going. You kids take care alright?" "We will!" "Bye." "Take care." "Come home soon, mama..." This last farewell was barely whispered by Jasper, who was very disheartened on leaving her. "Aw, you're such a mama's boy." giggled his mate.

Vale jogged across the parking lot to where Bella was waiting for her. She had earphones on. "Edward just asked my permission to kiss you." Vale said, grinning. Bella pulled out an earbud. "What? I didn't hear you." "I said if you died, I wouldn't miss you." Vale said, laughing at her. Bella snorted. "Very funny." 

A screeching of tires snapped them out of their laughter. A van was skidding out of control on the icy pavement. Without thinking, Vale grabbed Bella roughly by the shoulders and shoved her downward under K.I.T.T. . Bella was surprised to be manhandled (or rather, woman-handled) so roughly by someone as small as Vale, but she had surprising strength underneath that uniform. Vale didn't have time to follow her under, and crouched, shutting her eyes, trying to use her body as a shield to protect Bella, bracing for impact - but it never came.

Panicked chatter clamored all about them, and Vale's eyes opened... To fall on Jasper's face. He was using his body to protect her, his hand extended out behind him. There was a dent in the van where his hand was... She looked over to see Edward in a similar position, with hand outstretched and a dent in the van, and the taillight of K.I.T.T. was knocked out by the impact. She took a shuddering breath that she didn't know she was holding in. Bella stuck her head out from under the car, blinking rather stupidly. "I'm not gonna ask right now. Thank you both." Vale said, regaining her composure. Both boys nodded, and disappeared before anyone else saw them there. 

A young boy stuck his head out of the van. "Oh my god, Bella! I'm so sorry-" then he caught sight of Vale, her badge gleaming in the light. "Oh shit..."

I Face My MonstersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora