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Wealth, beauty, everything can be lost, but the joy in your heart can only be tarnished.
(Anne Frank)

The joy of living comes from meeting new experiences, and therefore there is no greater joy than having a constantly changing horizon, of being under a new and different sun every day.
(Jon Krakauer)

The joy of observing and understanding is the most beautiful gift of nature.
(Albert Einstein)

Reflection :
Joy is a pleasant emotion of high intensity that occurs when a goal is reached and a wish granted, but also in front of small things or details sometimes considered insignificant.
It is a feeling that is expressed through a smile or looking someone you love in the eye.
It is pure creativity and curiosity that allows us to explore new horizons and face increasingly different experiences.
Somehow it enriches us and makes us positive, improving our life.
There is more joy in giving something and doing good than there is in receiving and doing nothing.

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