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Authors P.O.V

Jisung chuckled at her suggestion, hands tucked into his pocket as he nodded. "Still on then. I'm craving fried chicken too". He answered, before his lips tugged into a mischievous smile. "Slight change of plans though. You're paying now". 

She pulled a face at his comment, leaning over to elbow him but missing and losing balance due to the stencil black heels she was wearing, a shriek escaping her lips. 

Before she could go tumbling to the floor, a pair of hands slid around her waist swiftly and securely, her own hands landing on his shoulder and grasping the material of his coat as he pulled her to her feet once again. 

She could feel the warmth tingle on her cheeks immediately, the feeling of his arms around her lingering although he'd let go after she'd gained her balance again. 

It was as though a whole display of fireworks were erupting in her stomach that very moment. 

She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, letting out an awkward laugh as he scrutinized her heels. "You don't usually wear shoes this long". He mumbled. 

It was true. 

She'd never really worn stencil heels as they were the most uncomfortable type. She'd only used them during her time dating Yejun because he'd preferred them, or else they'd always given her swollen feet and aching toes. Something she never mentioned to him was that he'd always gotten her size wrong. 

Hayeon shrugged, shifting slowly as she felt her feet ache already in the heels. "You've got to compromise sometimes. I wanted to leave a better impression this time, but seems like it won't really change". 

"Stop trying so hard to fit their standards". Jisung's eyes met hers. "I've always ignored their standards, I'm not about to care now anyways". 

She folded her arms. "This is supposed to be a win-win situation. I should at least try to seem like I'm serious about our relationship". 

The black-haired shook his head. "You don't need to do anything at all. I don't like seeing you this self-conscious and uneasy". He muttered the last part under his breath so she wouldn't hear, gulping slightly. 

He urged her to follow him to a bench fitted a few meters away, gesturing for her to sit down, which she did. 

He leant down, catching her off guard when his fingers gently came in contact with her skin and he carefully removed the heels from her feet. 

"Don't look at my feet". She muttered, feeling a red hue appear on her cheeks. 

He glanced up, cocking his head questioningly. "Why?". 

She kicked his arm and he yelped an offended "Ow!".

"I don't know. It's just an embarrassing thing for all women, idiot". She answered, covering her face and wishing the ground would swallow her in the moment.

He didn't seem to mind, placing her heels aside and standing back up to dust his jeans. "Wait here, I'll go get a pair of comfortable shoes for you". 

She grabbed his sleeve, holding him back. "Forget it. It's just a two minute walk to the car anyways, why bother? We can order chicken to be delivered to my house". 

He raised a brow. "Who said we're ordering? We're having a nice dinner out that's what and walking all the way down the street to the fried chicken place. Unless you want swollen feet, let me go and get the sneakers". 

Her lips parted and she frowned at him. 

"Oh, and you're paying, Lee Hayeon". He winked. "My kindness isn't for free either". 

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