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Authors P.O.V

"Where are you?". 

Hayeon stopped at a red light, pressing the speaker button on her phone which was glued to the phone stand in her car. She pressed her lips together, sighing before speaking up. 

"I'm going to CEO Yoon". She answered. "I want to talk to her myself about the situation before anyone else, like the police does". 
Jisung clicked his tongue disappointedly. "I was looking for you outside the police station". 

The dark-haired internally cursed at herself. "Sorry". She apologised sheepishly. "Do you want to have dinner together? I heard you took early leave today". 
"Sounds good". He answered. "Should I call the others over to my place today evening? Its been a while since we've gathered together". 
She smiled just at the thought of it. "Yeah, lets do that". 

She quickly said goodbye to him when she pulled up in front of the company building, parking her car on the side of the street. 

To say she was nervous was an understatement. 
She had not yet thought about how she was even going to initiate this conversation with CEO Yoon. 

She'd called her earlier this morning, asking for a leave for the day because something urgent had come up. She'd also mentioned to her that she would come explain in person about it. 

Hayeon exited the elevator, anxiously walking down the hallway as she mentally prepared for the upcoming situation. So busy in her thoughts, she didn't notice Mina walking towards her until the elder called her name. 


She snapped away from her daze, glancing towards the elder female who was powerwalking towards her with a concerned expression. 

"Oh, Mina". She smiled. "Is CEO Yoon in her office right now?". 

Mina placed her hands on the youngers' shoulders, her brows knotted in a frown as she scanned her carefully from head to toe. "Are you okay? Why were you at the police station?". 

Hayeon's lips parted surprisedly, a lump forming in her throat upon hearing the question. "How did you know I was there?". She asked, shuffling nervously on the spot. 

"I was with Jisung when you called". The elder sighed. "Is everything okay?".
The younger nodded slowly, forcing a small smile to her lips. "There was a situation that needed to be dealt with, but I'm fine, don't worry".
Mina was unconvinced but didn't press it, nodding. "CEO Yoon just came back from a meeting. She's probably in her office right now". 

Thanking her, the younger parted ways and made her way to the end of the corridor, knocking thrice on the door. 

"Come inside". 

Hearing the reply only ignited more anxiety as she turned the doorknob and opened the door to see CEO Yoon sitting behind her large oak-coloured desk, a small smile on view. 

She had her phone held to her ear, indicating she was on a call currently. 

"Are you busy right now?". Hayeon asked, dipping a respectful bow as she stood in the middle of the doorway. The elder lady shook her head, motioning for her to come inside. 

"Thank you for informing me about this. I'll call you later". She spoke up into the phone as the younger quietly closed the door behind her and sat down on the empty chair opposite to the lady. 

CEO Yoon placed her phone aside, glancing towards Hayeon. "What can I help you with?". Hayeon intertwined her fingers together, fidgeting nervously as she spoke up. "I actually needed to talk to you about something that's why I came".
"And what could that be?". The elder lady asked. 

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