Chelsea VI

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I woke up, to be honest. But it sure wasn't the fact that my crushes arms were still around me and we were still cuddling. I wanted to scream. It felt like a dream, to be honest. She felt so warm and cuddly. I am so glad I am not in work today.

"Good morning." she said into my neck, taking me by surprise a little.

"Good morning." I giggled as she pulled me in closer and started kissing my neck. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Mhm." Jordyn hummed. "Did you?"

"To be honest? That was the best night's sleep I have ever had." I confess. She hummed again and kissed the top of my back. "You like giving kisses, don't you?" I sing.

"Do you like it? I'll stop if you want." she said, sounding worried.

"I wish you'd do it more, actually." I purred. She complied by giving me more kisses on my neck, back and head. And I enjoyed every single one of them. "We should probably get up now, it's," I check the time on my phone, "10:53."

"Five more minutes." she groaned and buried her face into my neck again.

"No, come on. Up." I ordered, getting up myself.

"Ugh, fine."

We both made our way into the kitchen and I leaned against the counter as she checked her phone. I noticed that everything was arranged very particularly, but it didn't really bother me.

"Just so you know, my sister will probably barge through the door any moment now." she said, pointing to the door.

"Okay." I say.

As if on cue, we heard the door unlock and it swung open. A woman, who was a few inches shorter than Jordyn, with brown hair that cascaded down her body in waves and stopped at the mid-section, stood in the door with, hands on her hips like a super-hero. Her eyes, which were different colours, might I add, found me and narrowed as the looked at Jordyn.

"Jordyn? You didn't tell me you had had someone over." she said, you could sense the authority in her voice.

"Please. It's not like you aren't happy. You've been waiting for this moment for yonks." Jordyn sassed. The woman's face went from a serious expression, to a happy and proud one. She stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"You're right. What's your name?" she said as she wandered over to me with her hand out. I shook her hand.

"Chelsea. Yours?"

"Bennie. Jordyn's amazing, good-looking, older sister." she stated letting go of my hand.

"I love your eyes." I complement.

"As you should. Did you know that the brown one can sense bullshit?" she informed me.

"No, I did not. What kind of bullshit have sensed recently?" I asked with a smile. Her eyes locked on to Jordyn, who lowered her head, as if she knew what she was about to say.

"That Jordyn, wasn't interested in anyone. Care to explain, Jordyn?"

"You all would've teased me." she defended, not lifting her head.

"But it's tradition. I had to go through it, and poor Hayley, we're never gonna let it go. She's stuck in a life of teasing."

"Why does Hayley get teased?" I chimed in.

"Hayley has a crush on the Princess of Wales. So we always call her Princess Hayley but she's a good sport about it."

I knew very little about the royal family nower days but what I did know was that the two princesses were pretty good looking.

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